Japanese version is here !

Banyu's Homepage

Welcome to my web page.I am only a weekend homepage builder,
so construction will be slow.

Please feel free to mail me corrections of my English.
I will make the changes if I agree with you.
Things will be changed little by little and I would like you to visit again.

In the picture to the right I am playing a 12-stringed instrument.
I play multi-stringed instruments called the Stick touchboard and the Warr Guitar(pictured).

This mid-summer I went to Belgium to take the European Tap Seminar 97 in Neufchateau,organised with Academie d'ete de Wallonie, Neufchateau,Belgium. This was the seminar for the multi-stringed musical instruments. I had a great time there.

I would like to introduce you to the seminar and the world of these curious instruments.

Baliset Night in Tokyo '97 was held on Dec 27th. As I build the page, please check it !

Happenings!! Baliset Workshop in Hinohara Vol.2 was held on March 28th to 29th. We had a very good time.

And I met Mr. Don Schiff, who is also the Stick player. He came to Japan with LANA LANE band as a bassist. I went to the show at Club Citta Kawasaki on Apr. 18th. That was a great gig. Don was in the center of the stage and played the NS Stick during the live. He made a time to talk together backstage and let me try the NS Stick after the show. Thanks a lot, Don.



Tapring Banner

The Stick is a registered trademark of Stick Enterprises,Inc.
The Warr Guitar is a registered trademark of Warr Guitars.

E-mail: banyu@gol.com
Since :May 4th.1997
Last updated :Apr. 29th.1998 -- What's New!?

This counter was begun on Feb.14th.'98.