
(c) Bill Pellowe, 1998


Reading E-Mail Addresses

Here is an example of an e-mail address of an Aso student.


Here are what the parts mean:
jp This person is in Japan.
ac "ac" means "academic". This person is at a school.
asojuku This is the name of the main computer. Aso Juku is our computer's name.
985555 This is the user name. Your e-mail address will have a different user name.

Teachers at Aso have their real names in their e-mail addresses. My address is bill@asojuku.ac.jp

Your E-mail Address

Write it here: _________@asojuku.ac.jp
(your user name)

Saying An E-mail Address

So, for 985555@asojuku.ac.jp
say 9, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5 at Aso Juku dot A, C dot J, P

E-Mail Setup

This explains how to set up your e-mail. You will have to do this every day.

First, click Edit, and choose Preferences.

Click the + sign next to Mail and Groups.

For step 7, just type in the number at the beginning at of your e-mail address.
For example, if your e-mail address is 985555@asojuku.ac.jp, you type just the 985555.
The Outgoing and Incoming numbers are both for everyone at Aso College.

Click "OK" and you're finished.

Getting your mail.

To get your mail, first click on the "mail" button.

Then type in your password. You will not see your password as you type.

Before You Leave

Before you leave the computer room at the end of class,

This page was distributed as a printed handout booklet (B5 size paper, horizontal print) to the students.
Contents (c) 1998 by Bill Pellowe. Commercial or for-profit use is prohibitted. Individual teachers (providing that they contact the author) are welcome to print out copies or cut-paste sections for their own individual classes.