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Full Name: | William Robert Pellowe | ||
Place of Birth: | Boston, Massachusetts (U.S.A.) | ||
Affiliations: |
1995 - 1998 | MA in TEFL/TESL Awarded with distinction University of Birmingham (UK) |
1989 | ESL Teacher Training Seminar Course Certificate International Institute of Boston |
1984 - 1988 | BA, Major in English Literature, Minor in Physics Stonehill College |
1980 - 1984 | Xaverian Brothers High School |
4/00 - present | Kinki University Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan Associate Professor, full time (tenured since April 2013) |
4/05 - 3/16 | Kurume University Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan Lecturer, part time |
4/00 - 3/05 | Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University Fukuoka City, Japan Lecturer, part time |
4/99 - 3/00 | Seinan Gakuin University Fukuoka City, Japan Lecturer, part time |
4/93 - 3/00 | Aso Foreign Language and Travel College Fukuoka City, Japan Full Time Instructor of English English Conversation for English majors, Travel Industry majors, Internet for English Communication majors. Graduation thesis research & writing for Internet majors. Homepage design for Internet majors. Highlights: Pilot course and curriculum development for Internet course, 1996-1997. Course curriculum development for Internet majors, 1997. Developed Internet for International Communications course materials (see projects, below). Member of committee to design overall curriculum for Internet major, 1997. Chosen as homestay tour group leader to U.S.A., March 1995. |
10/90 - 2/93 | Fukuoka International Club (English conversation school) Fukuoka City, Japan Full Time Instructor, Head Teacher |
4/90 - 9/90 | Suisan University Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan Part Time Instructor |
1/90 - 9/90 | American English Center Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan Full Time Instructor |
6/89 - 1/90 | Language Institute for English (at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) Full Time Instructor |
Lake, J. W., W. Pellowe (2015) "Monitoring Extensive Reading Using Mobile Phones" FLEAT VI, August 14, 2015, Harvard University, Boston. Pellowe, W., S. Paton & P. Shimizu (2015) "Encouraging Active Participation With Response Cards", in Sustainability: Making Teaching and Learning Last (PanSIG 2014 Proceedings) pp. 172-177. Pellowe, W. (2015) "Creative Variations for Textbook Conversations", Fukuoka Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching, February 21, 2015, Seinan Community Center, Fukuoka. [handout available online] Pellowe, W. (2015) "Creative Variations for Textbook Conversations", Kitakyushu Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching, February 14, 2015, Wel-Tobata, Tobata, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Pellowe, W. (2015) "Listening with small devices - Distributing listening materials for use in class and outside" (Featured Speaker presentation), Sojo University English Language Teaching and Learning Forum (Listening), Sojo University & NanKyu JALT, Sojo University, Kumamoto, February 2, 2015. [handout available online] Pellowe, W. (2014) "Gamification of Extensive Reading with Badges" (poster session), Trends in Language Teaching Conference, Okinawa JALT, Okinawa Christian University, Nishihara, Okinawa Prefecture, December 13, 2014. (Poster available online) Shimizu, P., W. Pellowe (2014) "Active Participation Using Answer Paddles" (poster session), Trends in Language Teaching Conference, Okinawa JALT, Okinawa Christian University, Nishihara, Okinawa Prefecture, December 13, 2014. Pellowe, W., T. Holster & J. Lake (2014) "Peer Assessment In The Classroom Using Mobile Devices", in CALL Design: Principles and Practice - Proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, pp. 307-313. Pellowe, W. (2014) "Creative Variations for Textbook Conversations", JALT 2014 (JALT's 40th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning), Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, November 22, 2014. Holster, T. A., J. W. Lake, W. Pellowe (2014) "Measuring Gains in a Reading Program",JALT 2014 (JALT's 40th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning), Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, November 24, 2014. Lake, J. W., T. A. Holster, W. Pellowe (2014) "Assessing Gains in Extensive Reading", The Seventh Annual Extensive Reading Seminar, The Extensive Reading SIG of JALT, Keisen University, Tokyo, September 28, 2014. Holster, T. A., J. W. Lake, W. Pellowe (2014) "Measuring Reading Speed Gains", The Seventh Annual Extensive Reading Seminar, The Extensive Reading SIG of JALT, Keisen University, Tokyo, September 28, 2014. Pellowe, W., T. A. Holster, J. W. Lake (2014) "Classroom Peer Assessment Using Mobile Devices", EuroCALL 2014, The University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 22, 2014. Holster, T. A., J. W. Lake, W. Pellowe (2014) "Assessing Gains in Extensive Reading", Fukuoka JALT event, July 12, 2014. Holster, T. A., J. W. Lake, W. Pellowe (2014) "Many-faceted Rasch analysis of peer-assessment as a diagnostic tool", 36th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 5, 2014. Pellowe, W., P. Shimizu, S. Paton (2014) "Active Participation Using Answer Paddles" (poster session), PanSIG Conference of JALT, Miyazaki Municipal University, Miyazaki, May 10, 2014. Pellowe, W. (2014) "Using Excel and Numbers For Class Attendance and Grade Calculations", Fukuoka JALT Chapter, March 1, 2014. Pellowe, W. (2013) "Using Mobile Devices In The EFL Classroom", PAC 2013 (The Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies), hosted by PALT (The Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc.), at the University of San Jose-Recoletos, Cebu City, Philippines, December 6, 2013. Holster, T. A., W. R. Pellowe &: J. W. Lake (2013) "Monitoring Extensive Reading Using Mobile Phones", JALT 39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Kobe Convention Center, Portopia, Kobe City, October 26, 2013. Pellowe, W. (2013) "Using Mobile Devices In The EFL Classroom", JALT 39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Kobe Convention Center, Portopia, Kobe City, October 27, 2013. Pellowe, B. (2013) "Using Mobile Devices in the EFL Classroom", Nagasaki Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching, Dejima Koryu Kaikan, Nagasaki, October 12th, 2013. Holster, T. A., W. R. Pellowe &: J. W. Lake (2013) "Extensive Reading", 2013 Fukuoka JALT One-day Conference, Seinan Gakuin Community Center, Fukuoka, September 29, 2013. Holster, T. A., W. R. Pellowe &: J. W. Lake (2013) "Monitoring Extensive Reading Using Mobile Phones", Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA) 17th Annual Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo, September 21, 2013. Pellowe, W. (2013) "Using Mobile Devices In The EFL Classroom", JALT PanSIG 2013 Conference, Nanzan University, Nagoya, May 18, 2013. Holster, T. A., W. R. Pellowe, J. W. Lake &: A. Hahn (2013). "Learning by Assessing in an EFL Writing Class", in Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2012 Conference Proceeding, Quan Zhang & Hong Yang (editors); Springer (Germany), pp. 93-108 (published June 27, 2013). Holster, T. A., W. Pellowe (2013). "A Mobile Audience Response System for Rasch Analysis of Student Peer Assessment" 48th RELC International Seminar: Assessment in Language Education, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore, March 18, 2013. Pellowe, B. (2013). "Active Participation through Student Response Systems" Hiroshima JALT Chapter, Hiroshima, January 20, 2013. Pellowe, B. (2013). "Active Participation through Student Response Systems" Okayama JALT Chapter, Okayama, January 19, 2013. Pellowe, W. R. (2012) "A Test Module for MOARS (the Mobile Audience Response System)". Reports of Faculty of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering, Kinki University, Issue 17, pp. 54-58. Pellowe, W., T. Holster (2012). "Mobile System to Monitor Extensive Reading". 16th Japan Language Testing Association Annual Conference (JLTA 2012) Senshu University, Chiyoda, Tokyo, October 27, 2012. Holster, T. A., W. Pellowe (2012). "Learning by Assessing In Second Language Writing". 16th Japan Language Testing Association Annual Conference (JLTA 2012) Senshu University, Chiyoda, Tokyo, October 27, 2012. Holster, T. A., W. Pellowe, & J.W. Lake (2012). "Learning by Assessing in an EFL Writing Class". JALT's 38th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, ACT City, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, October 12 - 15, 2012. Pellowe, W. , T. A. Holster, (2012). "Using a Mobile Audience Response System to Monitor Extensive Reading". JALT's 38th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, ACT City, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, October 12 - 15, 2012. Pellowe, B., P. Shimizu (2012). "Active participation using answer paddles". JALT's 38th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, ACT City, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, October 12 - 15, 2012. Pellowe, W., T. Holster (2012). "Mobile Audience System for Peer Assessment". Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Society Conference 2012, University of Jiaxing, China, August 6-9, 2012. Holster, T. A., W. Pellowe, & J.W. Lake (2012). "Learning by assessing in second language writing". Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Society Conference 2012, University of Jiaxing, China, August 6-9, 2012. Holster, T. A., W. Pellowe, & J.W. Lake (2012). "Learning by Assessing in an EFL Writing Class". Pan-SIG 2012 Conference, Hiroshima University (Higashi Hiroshima campus), Hiroshima Prefecture, June 16-17, 2012. Holster, T. A., W. Pellowe (2012). "Using a Mobile Audience Response System to Monitor Extensive Reading". 5th Annual Extensive Reading Seminar, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, July 1, 2012. Pellowe, B. (2012). "ELT Calendar". The Language Teacher, 36:1 pp. 46-48. Beuckens, T., P. Collett, R. Diem, B. Pellowe (2012). "Panel Discussion: Implementing Information and Communications Technology". Fukuoka JALT Chapter, February 19th, 2012. Pellowe, B. (2012). "Answer Paddles" (Curriculum My Share event). Fukuoka JALT Chapter, January 21st, 2012. Pellowe, B. (2011). "Student Response Systems". The Language Teacher, 35:6 pp. 53-55. Pellowe, W.R. (2011). "Active Participation Through Response Cards" かやのもり:近畿大学産業理工学部研究報告 (Kayanomori: Reports of the School of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering, Kinki University). No.15 (2011.12), pp.11-13. Pellowe, B., T. Holster (2011). "Classroom Peer Assessment Using Mobile Devices". JALT 2011 International Conference (the 37th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition). National Olympics Memorial Center, Tokyo, November 18-20, 2011. Shimizu, P., B. Pellowe (2011). "Active Participation Using Answer Paddles". JALT 2011 International Conference (the 37th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition). National Olympics Memorial Center, Tokyo, November 18-20, 2011. Pellowe, B., P. Shimizu (2011). "Active Participation through Student Response Systems". 2011 Fukuoka JALT Conference & Bookfair. Hakata Bus Terminal Building, Fukuoka, October 9, 2011. Pellowe, B. (2011). Featured speaker presentation: "Student Response Systems: What, Why and How". ACTC 2011 (ACTC 2011: Inaugural Asian Conference on Technology). The Ramada Osaka Hotel, Osaka, June 10-12, 2011. Holster, T.,B. Pellowe (2011). "Using a Mobile Audience Response System for Classroom Peer Assessment." JALTCALL 2011(Japan Association for Language Teaching's Computer-Assisted Special Interest Group 2010 Conference). Kurume University, Kurume, June 4-5, 2011. Pellowe, B., P. Shimizu (2011). "Active Participation Through Student Response Systems." Nagasaki Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Nagasaki, May 28, 2011. Pellowe, B. (2011). "Active Participation Through Student Response Systems." The 10th PanSIG Conference (a collaborative effort of the Special Interest Groups within the Japan Association of Language Teachers). Shinshu University, Matsumoto, May 21-22, 2011. Pellowe, B. (2011). "Mobile Devices for Quizzes, Surveys and Peer Feedback." JALTCALL 2011(Japan Association for Language Teaching's Computer-Assisted Special Interest Group 2010 Conference). Kurume University, Kurume, June 4-5, 2011. Brown, I. J., B. Pellowe & R. Chartrand (2011). "Hands On in an iPod Learning Environment." JALTCALL 2011(Japan Association for Language Teaching's Computer-Assisted Special Interest Group 2010 Conference). Kurume University, Kurume, June 4-5, 2011. Pellowe, B., P. Shimizu (2011). "Active Participation through Student Response Systems." Kitakyushu Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching, February 12, 2011. B. Pellowe & P. Shimizu (2010). "Engaged (Maximizing student involvement and interest in their lessons)." Kyushu ELT Expo (ETJ: English Teachers in Japan). Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, December 5, 2010. Shimizu, P., B. Pellowe (2010). "Student response systems - What, why, how." JALT 2010 (Japan Association for Language Teaching 36th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo). Aichi Industry and Labor Center, in Nagoya City, Aichi, November 19-23, 2010. Pellowe, B., T. Holster & K. Ryan (2010). "Student Response System for Mobile Devices." JALT 2010 (Japan Association for Language Teaching 36th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo). Aichi Industry and Labor Center, in Nagoya City, Aichi, November 19-23, 2010. B. Pellowe (2010). "Quiz and Survey System for Mobile Devices." Teaching and Technology Workshop (TnT) at JALT 2010 (Japan Association for Language Teaching 36th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo). Aichi Industry and Labor Center, in Nagoya City, Aichi, November 19-23, 2010. B. Pellowe & P. Shimizu (2010). "Fully Engaged: Increased participation, involvement and motivation." ETJ Fukuoka (English Teachers in Japan). Seinan Gakuin University Community Center, Fukuoka, November 6, 2010. Pellowe, B. (2010). "Surveys and Quizzes On iPhone/iPod Touch." JALTCALL 2010 (Japan Association for Language Teaching's Computer-Assisted Special Interest Group 2010 Conference). Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, May 29-30, 2010. Ryan, K. & B. Pellowe (2010). "A Touch for Every Student: Semi-Mobile Language Learning." JALTCALL 2010 (Japan Association for Language Teaching's Computer-Assisted Special Interest Group 2010 Conference). Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, May 29-30, 2010. Pellowe, B. (2010). "Beginners Guide to Excel for Student Grades." JALTCALL 2010 Pre-Conference Workshop. Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, May 28, 2010. Pellowe, B. (2009). "Creating web pages for iPhone and iPod Touch." JALT 2009 (Japan Association for Language Teaching 35th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo). Granship, Shizuoka, November 20-23, 2009. Pellowe, W., N. Gromik & R. Chartrand (2008). "Symposium: Teaching approaches towards the integration of iPod technology in the EFL classroom." WorldCALL 2008 - Using Technologies for Language Learning. Fukuoka International Congress Center, August 5-8, 2008. Pellowe, B. (2008). "Tools of the Trade: Utilizing the Video-iPod to Deliver Engaging EFL Content". Part of Two Presentations on using Technology for Language Learning, Fukuoka Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. June 14, 2008. Pellowe, B., R. Chartrand, K. Ryan & D. Marini (2007). "Collaborative Podcasting". JALT2007: The Japan Association for Language Teaching 33rd International Conference, National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo. November 22-25, 2007. Pellowe, B. (2007). "Using Video iPods to Deliver Class Content". Invited speaker. Joint Tokyo Conference: Innovation in Language Teaching, Tokyo Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. October 14, 2007. Chartrand, R. & B. Pellowe (2007). "ELTPodcast.com - A Podcast and Website for Students and Teachers of English". In Thomas, M. (ed.), Wireless Ready e-Proceedings - Podcasting Education and Mobile Assisted Language Learning, pp. 66 - 72. Pellowe, B., R. Chartrand, K. Ryan & D. Marini (2007). "Collaborative Podcasting Using Skype". JALTCALL 2007 Conference, JALT's Computer-Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group, Waseda University, Tokyo. June 1-3, 2007. Chartrand, R. & B. Pellowe (2007). "ELTPodcast.com: Developing Podcasts for EFL Students and Teachers". Wireless Ready - Podcasting Education and Mobile Assisted Language Learning, IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest Group, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Nagoya. March 24, 2007. Pellowe, B. (2007). "The First Lesson of the Year". My Share: First Day Icebreakers, Kitakyushu Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Kitakyushu, March 10, 2007. Pellowe, B. (2007). "Tools of the Trade: Utilizing the Video-iPod to Deliver Engaging EFL Content". Gifu Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Gifu. February 17, 2007. (Part of a 3-presentation tour.) Pellowe, B. (2007). "Tools of the Trade: Utilizing the Video-iPod to Deliver Engaging EFL Content". Toyohashi Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Toyohashi. Feb. 18, 2007. (Part of a 3-presentation tour.) Pellowe, B. (2007). "Tools of the Trade: Utilizing the Video-iPod to Deliver Engaging EFL Content". Nagoya Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Nagoya. Feb. 18, 2007. (Part of a 3-presentation tour.) Pellowe, B. (2006). "Versatile Video iPods as Classroom Tools". Lecture/Demonstration. JALT 2006 International Conference, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Japan. November 2-5, 2006. (Friday, Nov. 3rd from 15:35 to 16:35) Pellowe, B. (2005). "How to set up a website.". Pre-Conference Skills Workshop. JALT 2005 International Conference, Granship Conference Center, Shizuoka, Japan, October 7-10, 2005. Pellowe, B. (2005). "Computer-Based Writing Classes". Presentation. Nagasaki Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Dejima Koryu Kaikan, Nagasaki, Japan, May 14, 2005. Pellowe, B. (2004). "Written Book Check". In Day, R. & J. Bamford (eds), Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers), Cambridge University Press. pp. 82-84. Pellowe, B. (2003). "Language Learning Games for All Ages.". Workshop. Kagoshima Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. October 18, 2003. Pellowe, B. (2003). "Creating Community in OnLine Writing Classes". Lecture/Demonstration. JALTCALL 2003 Conference, Kinjo Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan, October 4-5, 2003. Pellowe, B. (2003). "Online Writing Community: Observations and Effects.". Lecture/Demonstration. Kitakyushu JALT Southwest Regional Meet, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Fukuoka-ken, Japan, September 21, 2003.
Collett, P., B. Pellowe & M. Swanson (2003). "A Website in Your Life". The Language Teacher, 27.1 (January 2003). Pellowe, B. (2002). "Keitai-Assisted Language Learning (KALL)". Lecture/Demonstration. JALT 2002 National Conference, Granship Conference Center, Shizuoka, Japan, November 22-24, 2002. Pellowe, B. (2002). "Social Content Changes Over Three Editions of One Textbook". Presentation. Peace as a Global Language Conference, Daito Bunka Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan, September 28-29, 2002 Pellowe, B. (2002). "Two Presentations: (1) Social Change in Textbook Contents; (2) Evaluating and Modifying Exercises". Presentation. Nagasaki Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Kotsu Sangyou Center, Nagasaki, Japan, June 22nd, 2002. Pellowe, B. (2002). "Applying the Uniqueness Principle in Language Classrooms: Tools & Tasks". Presentation. Miyazaki Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Miyazaki International College, Miyazaki, Japan, May 25th, 2002. B. Pellowe & K. Ryan (2001). "PHP & MySQL: Creating and Serving Databases Through Dynamic Websites". JALTCALL 2001 Conference, Kanto Gakuen University, Ohta-shi, Gunma, May 26-27, 2001. Pellowe, W. (2001). "The Role(s) of Traditional Drills - Rejections, Modifications, Integration". Reports of Kinki University KyushuSchool of Engineering (29:1), pp. 217-228. Daniels, P. & B. Pellowe (2001). "Creating Dynamic Websites with PHP". JALTCALL 2001 Conference, Kanto Gakuen University, Ohta-shi, Gunma, May 26-27, 2001. Pellowe, B. (2001). "First Lessons: Several ideas for your first lessons of the school year". One of six people demonstrating ideas. Fukuoka Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching. Aso Foreign Language Travel College, Fukuoka, March 31st, 2001. Pellowe, B. (2000). "Social Content Changes Over Three Editions of One Textbook". Paper/Lecture. JALT 2000: The 26th International JALT Conference, Granship Conference Centre, Shizuoka, Japan, November 2 - 5, 2000 Pellowe, B. (2000). "Three Principles of On-line Course Design". Lecture/Demonstration. JALTCALL 2000 Conference, Tokyo University of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, June 10-11, 2000. Pellowe, B. (2000). "Constraints on Negotiation of Meaning in EFL Classrooms". Paper/Lecture, Pusan 2000: Pursuing Possibilities in ELT, Pusan KoTESOL Conference, Pusan National University, Institute of Language Research and Education, Pusan, S. Korea, Saturday, May 13th, 2000. Pellowe, B. (2000). "Designing Web Pages to Introduce EFL Students to the Internet". In Lewis, P. (ed.), Proceedings from the C@lling Asia 1999 Conference on Computers and Language Learning, pp. 203-206 Pellowe, B. (2000). "Search and Report: A Series of Short Internet-Based Research Projects for EFL Students". In Ryan, K. (ed.), Recipes for Wired Teachers, pp. 10-15. Carman, C. & B. Pellowe (1999). "Teaching English With Videos". Lecture/Demonstration, JALT Fukuoka Chapter, July 18, 1999 Pellowe, B. (1999). "Using Concordances from Small Corpora". Lecture/Workshop, JALT Kagoshima Chapter, June 26, 1999. Pellowe, B. (1999). "Introducing EFL Students to the Internet: Activities and Projects". Demonstration/Lecture, CALLing Asia 99 International Conference on Computers and Language Learning, Kyoto Sangyo University, May 22 - 23, 1999. Pellowe, B. (1999). "Using Concordances from Small Corpora: Video Transcripts and Newspapers". Lecture/Workshop, JALT Kitakyushu Chapter, May 8, 1999. Pellowe, B. (1999). "Teaching an Internet Course". Demonstration/Lecture, JALT Fukuoka Chapter, April 18, 1999. Pellowe, B. (1998). "More Resources for TEFL Research". University of Birmingham MA TEFL/TESL - Open Distance Learning Newsletter. (2)4, pp. 4 - 6. Brown, H.D., A. Doff, R. Ellis, B. Pellowe (moderator), & N. Whitney (1998). English Educators' Professional Development Roundtable, Fukuoka, November 4, 1998. Pellowe, B. (1998). "Writing: The Process Approach". Review. The English Connection (Korea TESOL), (2)4, p. 18. Pellowe, B. (1998). "Potentials for Technology-Aided Development", as part of "Connected Learning: Teacher Training in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning): TMIT CALL Roundtable", CALL: Human Connections, International Conference on Computers and Language Learning, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, May 31, 1998. Pellowe, W. (1998). "Logic Puzzles in the Language Class". Lecture/Workshop, JALT Miyazaki Chapter, May 10, 1998. Pellowe, W. (1997). "Puzzles: Using Logic Puzzles for Linguistic Input". Lecture/Workshop, JALT Kumamoto Chapter, December 14, 1997.
Pellowe, W. (1997). "Using the WWW for EFL Research and Resources". University
of Birmingham MA TEFL/TESL - Open Distance Learning Newsletter. (1)2, pp. 1-3. Pellowe, W. (1997). "Puzzles" (Using logic puzzles for meaningful discrete-point language processing). TESOL Journal (6)3, pp. 35-36. Pellowe, W. (1996). "A Dialog-Based Approach Toward Interlanguage Development". The Language Teacher (20)12, pp. 6-9.
Pellowe, W. (1996). "Modifying Pairwork Activities to Encourage the Use of English and Communication Strategies" (an Action Research Project Report). English
Language Teacher Education and Development Journal, (2)2, pp. 90-111. Pellowe, W. (1996) "Magic Tricks for the Classroom" and "Working with Sequences". Two mini-presentations at the Second Annual Teaching English to Children "My Share" Workshop, Fukuoka, June 23, 1996. Pellowe, W. (1995) "Learning English Through Card Games" Presentation at the Teaching English to Children "My Shareî"Workshop, Fukuoka, June 25, 1995 Pellowe, W. (1995) "'What Do You Like Movies?' Preparing Students to Communicate" Lecture/Demonstration, JALT Southwest Regional Conference, Kitakyushu, May 15, 1995. Pellowe, W. (1995) "Developing and Maintaining Second Language Fluency in Returnee Children", Lecture, Fukuoka Returnees Group Seminar, Fukuoka, April 23, 1995.
Other Publications: Pellowe, W. (1997). "HTML for Non-Beginners". ComLink (2)5,(ComLink is the electronic magazine of the AJET Computer N-SIG) Poetry and short fiction in three issues of This is a Pen (Spring 1996, Summer 1996, Fall 1996). Article on the Fukuoka Book Fair in The Gleaner (Jan. 1996). |
Internet for International Communication On-line lesson materials and teachers' notes for the Internet training course developed (back in the Netscape 3 era) for Japanese students of English. These materials have been used by educators and presenters in classrooms and at conferences in Australia, the United States, Canada, England, Thailand, Korea and other parts of Japan. |
The Kanji Names Project Japanese students create explanations in English of their names in order to share a part of their Japanese culture with educators and students around the world, including their e-mail pen pals from other countries. |
Bill Pellowe maintains several web sites for language teachers, including: |
Testing | Placement Test Development This was an investigation of whether a cloze test from a narrative passage would be a more time-effective replacement for the current initial placement video test used at Aso College for English majors. In designing the test, I first created two versions online. The tests included blank spaces for answers. When finished, the test takers clicked a button to submit their answers. 48 native speakers completed the tests, randomly split into two even groups for each test version. From the data collected, I could (1) do item analysis on both versions of the test, and (2) compile a bank of semantically acceptable answers. When the students at Aso College took the final paper version of the test, the tests were scored three ways: a) exact answers, b) semantically acceptable answers culled exclusively from the native speaker data (NS-SEMAC), and c) semantically acceptable answers based on individual assessment of each answer provided. There was an unsurprisingly high correlation between each of the scoring methods. It was found that the NS-SEMAC scoring was not only much faster to do, it also correctly predicted the highest number of class level placements. |
E-mail: | billp@gol.com | |
Mail: | William Pellowe Kinki University 11-6 Kayanomori Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-8555 JAPAN |