JALT 2013 Conference Presentations

JALT 39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning

Monitoring Extensive Reading Using Mobile Phones
Holster, T. A., W. R. Pellowe &: J. W. Lake (October 26, 2013)

The presenters developed a monitoring system for extensive reading that allowed students to report books read and rate their difficulty and interest using mobile phones. A MEXT research grant was awarded to develop and operationalize the system. Results from semester one of 2013 will be presented, comparing students' ratings of book difficulty with publishers' claimed difficulty levels. Predicted gains in reading speed will be investigated using pre-test and post-test measures of reading speed.

Using Mobile Devices In The EFL Classroom
Pellowe, W. R. (October 27, 2013)
The presenter will demonstrate four ways to use mobile devices in the classroom. His school has provided him with a classroom set of iPod Touch devices for his students, but these activities also work in BYOD (bring your own device) classrooms, or with low-tech alternatives. He will bring 20 of these devices so that participants can experience the activities in a hands-on workshop environment.