Audio Book Club Library Catalog
The Following Titles Are Now Available in the MuMei Audio Book Club Library:
- A Dragon-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic by McCaffrey, Card, Etc.
BBC Radio Presents: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Chain of Evidence by Ridley Pearson
Children of the Vampire: The Diaries of the Family Dracul by Jeanne Kalogridis
- Classic Ghost Stories by Richard Pasco
- Classic Ghost Stories II by Richard Pasco
- Congo by Michael Crichton
Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb by Richard Rhodes
- Dead Man's Walk by Larry McMurtry
- Fortune's Favorites by Colleen McCullough
- The Grass Crown by Colleen McCullough
- The Secret of the Villa Mimosa
The Gemini Contenders by Robert Ludlum
- The Way Through The Woods by Colin Dexter
The Jewel That Was Ours by Colin Dexter
London Fields by Martin Amis
The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin
Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America by Cabeza de Vaca
The Living by Annie Dillard
Heir Apparent by Kate Coscarelli
The Gemini Contenders by Robert Ludlum