Traveling in India is still fraught with uncertainties. At the train station in Agra, I found my 7:35 train to Jaipur was now scheduled to leave at 5:35! What, it already left two hours early?? Oh no, someone explained, 5:35 tomorrow morning! I hired a car instead. With government checkpoints at each state border tho, & pedestrians & sacred cows ambling across the highway, the 228km drive to Jaipur took 5 hours.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
This imposing Art Deco church is the fifth largest in the world.

Basiliek van Koekelberg, Brussels, 2011

This is the kind of decorative detail nobody makes anymore & our world is the poorer for it.

Louizalaan 224, Brussels, 2011

I took this shot from Lāl Qila (the Red Fort) despite the mist. You normally never see this famous monument from the rear.

Taj Mahal, Agra, 2011

Each window is shaded by delicately carved stone latticework that affords privacy but lets in the cooling breeze.

Hawa Mahal, the "Wind Palace",
Jaipur, 2011

Something out of Ali Baba & the forty thieves, right? Actually... the entrance to a parking lot.

Jaipur, 2011

A castle somewhere in Europe? Wrong again. Would you believe... a hospital?

Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, 2011