Pauke - German

Address - Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, Yonban-cho 4-8, Nomura Bldg. Opening hours - From Monday to Saturday from 5:00 pm to 2:00 am Map - See directions Telephone - 3264-7890 Menu - In Japanese and German CC - OK

Reader Werner Ebenauer sends the following message:

"I think you do not know the best German Restaurant, at least in terms of food. 'Pauke', near Ichigaya Station, next to Nippon TV.
Tel: 03 3264 7890

Best regards, Werner"

First of all, my thanks to Werner. Well, I do know Pauke, but I usually avoid going there because of the band. Food is very good, however, although fish is strangely missing from the menu. Anyway, I will review the place one of these days but, for the time being, here are its data. By the way, there's a site with the addresses of practically all German restaurants in Tokyo.