12/25/2002 |
December 15, 2002
As you already know, we have three daughters. One lives in Tombstone, Arizona, one lives here in Columbia, about 10 minutes from us, and the third lives in the outskirts of Washington DC in the city of Falls Church, Virginia. We are thankful that we have been able to spend some time with each of them during the past year. We are happy to be closer to them this year.
In the city of Lexington, which is our address, one of the Presbyterian Churches, named Saxe Gotha - an unusual name - has almost 4,000 members on their active roll. That is 1/4 the population of Lexington! The church is 20 years old and began with 14 active members. They must be doing something right. We were able to be present for their 20th anniversary celebration. We have enjoyed getting to know some of their members.
We have also been attended worship at several other Presbyterian Churches in the area. There are 27 PCUSA and PCA Churches in the Columbia area!
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church is in a decaying neighborhood, but still has a vital ministry.
Mary Kay's father once worshipped at McGregor Presbyterian Church and two of our best friends are members there.
We have also worshipped at Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church .
Westminister Presbyterian Church is where our daughter Kendall is a member, and we have worshipped there with her often.
Eastminster Presbyterian Church is quite far away, but as a supporting church during our time in Japan, we have worshipped there several times too. My aunt and cousins belonged to this church, but all except one cousin have gone to meet their Lord and the last cousin now lives in the Washington DC area, but has decided to move back to South Carolina and live about 3 hours away on the coast near Bufort, so we may be able to see them again too.
We have also visited several Baptist, Methodist, Independent, and Presbyterian Church USA congregations.
We were invited to be hosts for the International community here as well. There is a large international contingent in the University of South Carolina. We attended a get-together of students earlier at which over 500 students were present. Many of these are from Asia. We have had some Indians, Japanese and Chinese for meals in our home and hope later to become more involved in their lives.
We have already had a few visitors from Japan. We do have room. If you are planning to be in our area, please do let us know. Perhaps we will be here too! ;=) We have spent many days on the road either speaking for Presbyterian Mission Education, or visiting family and friends. As a result we may have missed someone who should have visited. So keep in touch. Our addresses are above and we still maintain the websites below, but since we have been gone so much they have not always been up-to-date. They will give you some basic information, and I will try to teep in contact with work we left behind and update it occasionally.
We pray that you may have a Christmas blessed with the deep meaning of the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, and surrounded with loved ones.
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This material is for personal or non-profit church use only. You may use this material for republication, including posting on Church Bulletin Boards, or in Church Bulletins without the prior consent of Frank or Mary Kay Sapp or the Presbyterian Church (USA) JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data presented, but we cannot be held responsible for errors or changes that occur. The ministry listed was a partnership mission effort associated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Reformed Church of Japan. If you would like to support the proclamation of the Gospel in Japan by supporting missionaries in Japan or by supporting one of the projects of the Presbyterian Church USA, please contact this address for more information: fsappjmo@gol.com
We remember with thanks all of our friends in Japan this Christmas. Here in our new home by Lake Murray in the outskirts of Columbia South Carolina we are finally feeling more settled and though we have yet to establish firm relationships with new friends here, we have been able to maintain and renew old contacts.
Sibbett F. Sapp
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