The Sapps

Frank & Mary Kay Sapp came to Japan with the Presbyterian US Mission in 1971. At that time the Atlanta based PCUS had 40 missionaries working in Japan divided into three categories. There were those who were working in direct evangelism, such as church planting, and radio evangelism. These first two groups were working with two Japanese denominations. They are the United Church of Christ in Japan (generally called the Kyodan) and the Reformed Church of Japan (RCJ).

A third group of missionaries were assigned to and working with institutions. These included schools, universities and medical work. These institutions are church related but most of the students are not Christians. It is completely logical that the way to reach people outside the church is to work outside the church.

Frank and Mary Kay were led to work within but also across the normal boundaries associated with evangelism. Their work has included direct work with local congregations as well as non-congregational settings.







Frank's primary work has been with local Reformed Churches, with the Hour For Christ Radio Program, (a cooperative work of the Reformed Church, the Kyodan and two Church related Universities, Kinjo and Nagoya Gakuin) which ministers both within and without the church.










Mary Kay has also worked within the Reformed churches as well as in the setting of an international congregation serving as its pastor. Her specialty is teaching the Bible to Japanese women.






Bi-weekly groups of young adults (composed almost exactly half of internationals and Japanese members) meeting in our home on Sunday evenings has also given spice to her outreach and variety to our life.




**** Shoes come off at the Door in Japan!****








This has include regular worship possibilities, Bible Studies, Retreats, And Fellowship Opportunities.













Christmas Caroling has always been one of the popular events.










  • **To go to The Nagoya Union Church Home page**
    (This is a temporary location for this event!)