Kobe Reformed Theological Seminary

Original Seminary Campus

The original campus of the Kobe Reformed Seminary was developed by the Southern Presbyterian Mission and it was located in the outskirts of the International city of Kobe, Japan.

This continued to be held in trust by the MissionŐs Religious Juridical Person until it was formally deeded to the Reformed Church in 1995 by the Presbyterian Church (USA). At this time it was determined that the repairs needed to up grade its facilities and repair its buildings would be a major expenditure. By moving from the original location, which was by then surrounded by the city, back to the outskirts, it discovered that it was possible to not only rebuild but also to expand the original facilities.

Kobe Seminary has always combined an international stance with a solid Presbyterian and Reformed Education. While the student body is small, it has long included students from several Asian countries as well as from other denominational backgrounds.

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