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赤尾三千子 / 横笛演奏家
日本古来の横笛である、龍笛、能管、篠笛の三種を独奏楽器として確立させ、委嘱初演曲、オーケストラとの協奏曲など100曲以上のレパートリーを作り上げる。 カーネギーホール、 フィルハーモニーザール等での演奏は高く評価され、その音楽性と力強く澄みきった音色、伝統的な枠を超える優れた技術で国際的に活躍している。近年では、日本の豊かな芸術の地脈からくみあげた横笛の音を未来へと向かって解き放つ ことを目的として、自作曲を中心とした演奏活動に力をいれている。

1983年 芸術選奨文部大臣新人賞、ダイアモンドパーソナリティ賞
1992年 中島健蔵音楽賞
2003年 日本文化芸術振興賞受賞

「NHK特集 冬高野山」「宮本武蔵」「富三郎の談話室」「音楽の旅はるか」

自主企画、制作による「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界」開始、横笛の可能性を求め、様々な分野の芸術家との作品を作り上げる

石井眞木作曲「交響詩 祇王」「協奏曲 解脱」、團伊玖磨作曲「交響曲第六番ヒロシマ」世界初演。以後、国内外のオーケストラと共演を続ける

自主企画、製作による「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/水炎伝説」
作:大岡信 作曲:石井眞木 演出:実相時昭雄 共演:白石加代子、田中泯



「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/三世音」 於 国立能楽堂
芸術監督:ツトム・ヤマシタ 共演:観世栄夫、孤嶋由昌

「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/風の伝説I」 於 東京芸術劇場

松下功作曲「如月に」世界初演 共演:アンドレアス・ムストネン指揮タリン管弦楽団
「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/風の伝説II」 於 紀尾井ホール

西村朗作曲「天空の蛇」飯森範親指揮 ドイツ・ヴュルテンブルグ交響楽団
松下功作曲「如月に」澤和樹指揮 響合奏団英国ツアー
ツトム・ヤマシタ「音禅」京都・妙心寺 法堂

「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/薄墨-義経の笛」 於 東京文化会館小ホール
千葉市美術館鞘堂ホール / 岩手県立博物館
「薄墨の笛を聴く会」清水・鉄舟寺 本堂
石井眞木作曲「祇王」小泉和裕指揮大阪センチュリー交響楽団 於 ザ・シンフォニーホール

石井眞木作曲「祇王」松尾葉子指揮セントラル愛知交響楽団 於 しらかわホール
「薄墨の笛を聴く会」清水・鉄舟寺 本堂

「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/死者の書」 於 護国寺 本堂
團伊玖磨作曲「交響曲第六番HIROSHIMA」 共演:秋山和慶指揮広島交響楽団、佐藤しのぶ
「薄墨の笛を聴く会」清水・鉄舟寺 本堂

「横笛 赤尾三千子の世界/長崎へ」東京文化会館小ホール
 井上道義指揮オールジャパン・シンフォニーオーケストラ 於 京都コンサートホール
「赤尾三千子横笛独奏会」明治神宮参集殿 主催日本文化藝術財団


Michiko Akao / yokobue (transverse bamboo flutes)

Michiko Akao is regarded as one of Japan's leading contemporary musicians. With extraordinary mastery and skill, she has introduced to contemporary music the sound and beauty of Japan's most traditional and treasured transverse flutes.
For her U.S. debut in 1972, Ms. Akao performed the premiere of "SOGU II (Encounters II)" composed by Maki Ishii with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra conducted by Seiji Ozawa.

Ms. Akao studied and trained with preeminent master artists of the three primary types of yokobue - the ryuteki (of Gagaku music), nohkan (of Noh theater), and the shinobue (of Kabuki and folk music). She has developed personal techniques that extend those of the traditional schools while retaining an individuality that brings a freshness to these flutes. From this foundation in the classical and traditional musics, she has explored a broad range of modern music by commissioning over 40 new compositions by established composers such as Toshi Ichiyanagi, Joji Yuasa, Hikaru Hayashi, and Akira Nishimura.

Ms. Akao's credits include regular concert tours abroad to Europe, North America and Asia. She has also appeared in engagements as principal soloist with major symphony orchestras in music festivals in Japan and abroad. In Japan, her regular concert tours take her throughout the country with occasional appearances on television and radio programs. As a recording artist, she has released several recordings on Toshiba/EMI, ALM Records, Denon and World Windows.

In 1990, Ms. Akao produced and performed in a collaborative project of music, dance and theater joined by notable artists such as Maki Ishii, composer; Makoto Ooka, poet; Kayoko Shiraishi, actress; Min Tanaka, dance; and Yasunori Yamaguchi, percussion. This production, "LEGEND OF THE WATER FLAME" was also presented in the same yearf as part of the Los Angeles Arts Festival and at the Japan Society, New York.

Other recent presentations:

Conceived, produced and performed "SANZEON" at the National Noh Theater with Stomu Ymash'ta, Hideo Kanze and Yusho Kojima

Recital concert at Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, excerpts from "LEGEND OF THE WATER FLAME."
Recital concert "RITUAL OF THE WIND" at Metropolitan Art Theater, Tokyo

Recital concert-“Sukh’s White Horse” at Kioi Hall, Tokyo
World premiere-“Kisaragi-Ni” composed by Isao Matsushita with the Tallin Chamber Orchestra conducted by Andreas Mustonen in Tallin, Estonia

Performance-“Serpent in the Sky”composed by Akira Nishimura with the Wurtenburg Philharmony Orchestra conducted by Norichika Iimori in Germany
Performance-“Kisaragi-Ni”U.K.tour with the Hibiki Ensemble conducted by Kazuki Sawa
Concert- “On Zen”Zen music event at Myoushinji Temple, Kyoto. Artistic direction by Stomu Yamash’ta

Recital Concert- “Usuzumi-Yoshitsune’s Flute”at the Tokyo Metropolitan Hall
Performance of the Usuzumi flute at the Yoshitsune exhibition at the Chiba City Museum and the Iwate Prefectural Museum
Memorial Service for Yoshitsune and his retainers at Chusonji Temple in Iwate Prefecture
Performance- Usuzumi Flute Concert at Tesshuji Temple, Shizuoka
*[The Usuzumi Flute is said to have been owned by the Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159-89) at Kunouji Temple (now Tesshuji)before he left Kyoto and escaped to Hiraizumi in the north.]
Concert- “Gioh”composed by Maki Ishii with Osaka Century Orchestra conducted by Kazuhiro Koizumi at Symphony Hall, Osaka

Concert- “Gioh”with the Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra conducted by Yoko Matsuo at Shirakawa Hall, Nagoya
CD Release-“Legend of the Water Flame”
Concert- “Gloriosa”with the Kosei Wind Orchestra conducted by Douglas Bostock at Metropolitan Art Theater, Tokyo
Performance- Usuzumi Flute Concert at Tesshuji Temple, Shizuoka

Recital Concert-“BOOK OF THE DEAD”at Gokokuji Temple,Tokyo
Concert- “HIROSHIMA”composed by Ikuma Dan with the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
by Kazuyoshi Akiyama at Phenix Hall,Hiroshima
Performance-Usuzumi Flute Concert at Tesshuji Temple,Shizuoka

Concert-“Gioh”with the all Japan Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michiyoshi Inoue
 at Kyoto Concert Hall
Performance-Usuzumi Flute Concert at Tesshuji Temple,Shizuoka
Solo Performance at the hall of Meiji Shrine

Today, Ms. Akao has achieved critical recognition as a pioneering artist who has broadened the appreciation of the traditional yokobue flutes as contemporary musical instruments.

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