By "respective core competencies and technical excellence,"

what I mean is that, if each participant can bring to the park something unique and different, like the Japanese bringing their manufacturing expertise and artistic sense, the Americans their unchallenged excellence in high technologies, the Germans their chemical and precision metalworking technologies, and so on, encompassing all industries including primary commodities, raw materials, concepts, designs, processing and manufacturing knowhows, and all types of services, such combination will certainly constitute a critical mass for new business development. Obviously, every country has individuals and businesses to be proud of, but not so well known to the outside world. If Japanese small businesses can enjoy greater exposure in the world market through participants from other countries and vice versa, we certainly have every reason to anticipate a rapidly growing flow of accesses to the park from all corners of the world, all of which, I am sure, will be of benefit to all of us. The resultant exchange of information and multinational exposures will promise to bring about a win-win situation for all.
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