By "all other modes of beneficial cooperation,"

I mean the following and many other activities of the proposed Cyber Business Park for the benefit of the participants.

  1. We will do our best to organize the best possible sectorial, as well as national, representation of all businesses at the business park in order to maximize its practical usefulness.

  2. We also invite a variety of professional and special-skilled individuals to join us. This will allow us to have in-house services so that anyone making inquiries will be able to obtain and process information in the most efficient manner.

    These services will be built around legal, accounting, linguistic and cross-cultural disciplines, which are of essential importance.

    As languages remain formidable barriers for most small- and medium-size businesses anywhere in the world, we shall begin, at the initial period, with translation and interpreting services in English, Japanese, Chinese and German, and add more as need arises.

  3. The GLOBAL CYBER BUSINESS PARK CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE is expected to be transformed into the Managing Secretariat of the park at some point in the future, perhaps within one year or so. The committee is scheduled to commence a monthly newsletter service providing all participants with the latest developments on the commercial utilization of the Internet as they emerge over time. These developments will be announced well in advance of their actual launching so that everybody in the park may be kept closely informed on what's coming next month, next quarter, etc.

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