In English:
- "Drug Crazy : How We Got into This Mess and How We Can Get Out "
by Mike Gray
Random House
ISBN: 0679435336 $16.77 (hardback)
"Drug Crazy is a scathing indictment of America's decades-long "war on drugs," an expensive and hypocritical folly which has essentially benefited only two classes of people: professional anti-drug advocates and drug lords.
Did you know that a presidential commission determined that marijuana is neither an addicitve substance nor a "stepping stone" to harder drugs ... only to have President Nixon shelve the embarrassing final report and continue the government's policy of inflated drug addiction statistics? Did you know that several medical experts agree that "cold turkey" methods of withdrawal are essentially ineffective and recommend simply prescribing drugs to addicts ... and that communities in which this has been done report lower crime rates and reduced unemployment among addicts as a result?
Whether he's writing about the American government's strong-arm tactics toward critics of its drug policy or the reduction of countries like Colombia and Mexico to anarchic killing zones by powerful cartels, Mike Gray's analysis has an immediacy and a clarity worth noting. The passage of "medical marijuana" bills in California and Arizona (where the bill passed by a nearly 2-to-1 majority) indicates that people are getting fed up with the government's Prohibition-style tactics toward drugs. Drug Crazy just might speed that process along." review
- "Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure"
by Dan Baum
Little, Brown and Company
ISBN: 0-316-08412-3 (hardback, may be out of print)
ISBN: 0-316-08446-8 $16.77 (paperback)
"You know, I've been a reporter a long time. In fact, I was a Drug War
reporter for a while at the Atlanta Constitution. Usually when
you're a reporter, you know what the story is when you start, and your
reporting is just a matter of getting all the facts and figures, quotes
and color to back it up. But when I started looking into this one,
I was just astounded. I would come home every night and would say to
my wife, You won't believe what the government can do now. You won't
believe how many people are in prison, what has happened to the Bill
of Rights and how much money we are spending. She's a journalist too and
she was skeptical. She'd say, Oh, you must have that wrong, go back and
find it again; and I would go back and find I'd gotten it right the
first time." (
Dan Baum in High Times 01/97)
The inside story on three decades of the so called "War on Drugs" in the U.S.A.
An absolute must read for anyone interested in the subject of drug prohibition
or simply anyone living in the U.S.A.
- "Marijuana reconsidered"
by Lester Grinspoon, M.D.
QickTrading Company
ISBN: 0-932551-13-0
Noted psychiatrist Dr. Lester Grinspoon methodically reviews the scientific,
medical and popular literature on the effects of marijuana.
- "Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine"
by Lester Grinspoon, M.D. and James B. Bakalar
ISBN: 0-300-05994-9
"Cogent and convincing arguments for the legalization of marijuana and its
pharmacologically active components... This book provides an excellent
overview of the subject from a medical perspective."
Robert M. Swift, M.D., Ph.D., New England journal of Medicine
- "Hemp and the marijuana conspiracy: The emperor wears no clothes"
by Jack Herer
H.E.M.P. / Queen of Clubs Publishing
ISBN: 1-878125-01-X
"The authoritative historical record of the cannabis plant,
marijuana prohibition and how hemp can still save the world." [from the front page]
The book that revived both the anti-marijuana prohibition movement
and the cultivation and use of industrial hemp. Jack Herer does get
a bit too excited in places, so take it with a pinch of salt...
- "Marijuana: Not guilty as charged"
by Dave Ford
Good Press, Sonoma, California
ISBN: 0-9655932-5-8
An exploration of the facts on marijuana. Very readable and a good reference book.
- "Marijuana Grower's Guide", deluxe edition
by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal
Red Eye Press,
P.O. Box 65751, Los Angeles, CA, 90065-0751
ISBN: 0-929349-040
$19.95 / $23.95 spiral bound
Red Eye's all time best seller. Botany, chemistry, history
and cultivation -- indoor and outdoor. This is the classic
treatise, known as the Grower's Bible. 360,000 in print. [comment by Red Eye Press]
- "Marijuana Grower's Handbook" (indoor/greenhouse edition)
by Ed Rosenthal
Quick American Publishing Company, San Francisco
ISBN: 0-932551-00-9
Auf deutsch:
- "Von Hanf ist hier die Rede"
Hans-Georg Behr
Zweitausendeins, Postfach, D-60381 Frankfurt/Main
ISBN: 3-86150-093-0
Eine interessante und empfehlenswerte Kulturgeschichte des Hanfes
mit vielen historischen Dokumenten. Gedruckt auf Hanfpapier.
- "Die Wiederentdeckung der Nutzpflanze HANF Cannabis Marihuana"
Herer - Bröckers - Katalyse
Zweitausendeins, Postfach, D-60381 Frankfurt/Main
ISBN: 3-86150-059-0
Das Buch, das in Deutschland dem Hanf zum Durchbruch verholfen hat,
bestehend aus der deutschen Übersetzung von Jack Herers "The
emperor wears no clothes", Mathias Bröckers Industriegeschichte
des Hanfs in Deutschland und einer Studie des Katalyse-Institut
für angewandte Umweltforschung e.V. Gedruckt auf Hanfpapier.