Photo Collection 1999.

Katana and jump.

Kubo-chan getting ready to jump at Aka-chan. Kubo-chan jumping at Aka-chan with katana raised. Ebi-chan jumping at Niwa-san with katana raised. Ebi-chan jumping at Niwa-san with katana raised.

Rokushaku-shikomi and Katana.

A Rokushaku-shikomi is a 6 feet staff with a chain hidden inside it. At the end of the chain is attached a metal object which also serves as a cap. This "cap" fits tight in the one end of the staff where the chain would otherwise easily come flying out. When used correctly, the cap can be swung off and around thereby significantly increasing the range of the weapon to the surprise of the opponent, who may have thought that all he was fighting was a 6 feet staff.
Aida-san approaches Ogawa-san with the rokushaku-shikomi. Aida-san gets ready to swing the cap and the chain at Ogawa-san. Ogawa-san tries to avoid Aida-san's attack by trying to catch and stop the chain by raising his katana, but gets hit by the cap. Aida-san controlling Ogawa-san's katana with the chain.

Kyoketsu-shoge and Katana.

A Kyoketsu-shoge is a handheld weapon consisting of a knife like "tool" with two blades, one being straight, and one being hooked. To the handle is attached a long rope, which used to be made from womans hair, and a metal ring. The metal ring can be swung around and thrown at the opponents hands or other, before moving in and fininshing him off with the blades.
Ebi-chan knocks the katana out of Niwa-san's hands with the metal ring. Ebi-chan cathes Niwa-san's katana with the rope. Ebi-chan controls Niwa-san's katana with the rope. Ebi-chan hooks Niwa-san with the kyouketsu-shoge.

Naginata and Katana.

A naginata is a long staff with a short blade attached at one end. The blade is curved, and in skill full hands could be used to hook the opponent before cutting off his head.
Aka-chan with the naginata raised, ready to attack Kubo-chan. Kubo-chan blocks Aka-chan's attack with the katana. Aka-chan swings the naginata around and strikes at Kubo-chan's wrist. Aka-chan swings the naginata back around and strikes at Kubo-chan's wrist with the blade. Aka-chan finish off Kubo-chan by cutting off his head.

Rokushaku-shikomi and Katana.

I block Kubo-chan's attack with the rokushaku-shikomi. When Aka-chan attacks, I block his attack, and twist the katana out off the hands of Kubo-chan. I move in and unbalance both Kubo-chan and Aka-chan. I finish off Kubo-chan with a thrust to his heart, and Aka-chan by strangleling him with the chain.

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Copyright 1999 Jens K. Olsen