Leaving Japan . . . for Dummies         4
The 48 Laws of Power  by Robert Greene

There seem to be the usual five  'stages' in this transition: Dealing with it, which is dark, involves cocooning, is violent. Telling, which is wrenching and reality-making; when you say it, it becomes real. Shifting, as you quit work, get out boxes, make lists and calls. An unreal time, floating in haze. Doing it, the actual packing, sorting, carrying things to the bulky trash (thanks, the two guys who're helping!). And ??ing, which I guess I will find out later. Then, being a week behind schedule with the blog........

There're two types of people in the world, those who, when told of my blog, say, "What's a blog?" and those who say, "Oh, you've got to read my blog!" The Tuesday Night Ladies' Circle revealed that Mary blogs! So hers is linked to mine and mine is linked to hers. Richard is urging me on, I missed last week! 

Everyone does it differently; some start six months before moving day; some are already completely organized and just move things from drawer and closet to box; some spend 12 hours a day sorting and packing and setting out for trash......Mary says that when the time comes she will take her money and papers and leave a lighted ciggie on the chair cushion. Appealing at the moment!

Finding projects never given up, for which as an elderly caregiver I will have time to turn to, include, knitting a snake-design sweater; refinishing the inside of my antique trunk; making the shell-and-jute-folding screen with sea shells from all over the world. And of course, the granddaddy of them all, publishing a book. 

". . . like when someone drops by your room all of a sudden at a time when your head is full of the things you've lost. ... All I could do was stand there and watch. All I could do was realize how precious the things were that she had made up her mind to give up. ... I felt then that as long as I could have a good laugh once a day, I would be fine."
                                        --There is no Lid on the Sea

Farewell party with special friends from the translation world at my favorite place, Upwards. The staff put up the surprise message when they realized it was my farewell and produced a cake!X




          --Farewell parties early on were a GOOD idea; 
now my social calendar is closed!

   Kay's online garage sale
--nothing's going anywhere but to the bulky trash...sigh.
      New blog buddy, Mary   


Notebook page call TV, utilities early, can take 3-4 weeks to process!
Notebook page Tell people you are leaving two weeks before you really are!
Notebook page do Post Office, bank, etc. as early as possible.
Trunk Refinishing