there! Long time no see!!(Apr & May,2001)
The Beach part2.(Aug/20,21,00)
New Bike for Mick.(Aug/13,00)
One summer day at the mountain....(Aug/6,00)
The wedding ceremony for Stephanie & Kevin(Jul/30,00)
The beach!(Jul/28&29,00 updated)
One summer day at the garden...(Jul/23,00)
Nanba family came to see us.(Jul/19&20,00)
Kevin & Stephanie came to see.(Jun/17,00)
Kent became 8 years old.(Jun/12,00)
After the bath.(Jun/11,00)
Let's take pics!(Jun/11,00)
Happy face.(Jun/6,00)
Let's have a dinner!(May/21,00)
He's on his bed.(May/13,00)
Mick goes to his new school.(Apr/6&7,00)
Skiing with OGURA family!!(Apr/2,00)
Kevin comes back again.(Mar/26,00)
Almost 3 months old.(Mar/22,00)
Ski again!(Mar/19,00)
Almost 2 months.(Feb/19,00)
We went skiing again!(Feb/12,00)
Hello around the world!(Dec/30,99 & etc.)
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Millennium!!(Dec/11+etc,99)
One day trip to TDL(Sep/19,99)
Mitsuki's 6th B-day(Sep/16&18,99)
Summer of '99(25pics)(Jul&Aug,99)
Tatsuya's B-day(Jul/4,99)
Kento's 7th B-day(Jul/3,99)
Final day of Aoba(Jun/16,99)
Mitsuki's Graduation, class of 1999(Jun/12,99)
Kento's Sports day(May/30,99)
AJIS Spring Program '99(May/22,99)
Fun day in Yoyogi-park(Apr/28,99)
Spring Carnival '99(Apr/18,99)
The Entrance Ceremony '99(Apr/6,99)
Easter Parade 99 in Saigo-yama(Apr/1,99)
We went skiing!!(Feb/7,99)
Hello again from HK(Feb/4,99)
Merry Christmas! from Harajuku(Dec/23,98)
Happy Christmas!(Dec/12,98)
Paige Language School.(Dec/12,98)
Christmas Program 98.(Dec/12,98)
Family day 98 of AIS.(Nov/14,98)
Halloween parade in Saigoyama park.(Oct/29,98)
One morning...(Oct/27,98)
Mitsuki went to the beauty parlor.(Oct/24,98)
Kento's sports day.(Oct/17,98)
M's B-day party at his class room in AIS.(Sep/17,98)
Yes, 5 years!(Sep/16,98)
He's got this finally!(Sep/13,98)
First day he goes to new kindergarten.(Sep/2,98)
First time permanent at the beauty parlor.(Aug/31,98)
Swimming lessons, one summer day.(Aug/25,98)
So long Kevin!(Aug/22,98)
The beach!(Aug/15,98)
They came to see Kevin for farewell.(Aug/8,9,98)
Summer holiday in Nasu.(Aug/1,98)
First time Narita for boys.(Jul/26,98)
Dinner with Tony & Shan.(Jul/20,98)
Summer holidays in Karuizawa.(Jul/18,98)
Friends from Hong Kong.(Jul/17,98)
The Star Spangled Banner.(Rev.Jul/10,98)
We love Rachel.(Jul/6,98)
Jeremie & Kevin.(Jul/5,98)
Spring Program Special Report.(Rev.Jul/7,98)
Birthday Party at Mac246.(Jun/13,98)
One day in the morning.(Jun/10,98)
Graduation Ceremony, class of 1998.(Jun/6,98)
Birthday Party for 6 years.(Jun/1,98)
Spring Program 98.(May/24,98)
Nice Guy in Tokyo.(May/2,98)
Hanami in British Embassy.(Apr/4,98)
Easter Parade in AIS.(Apr/2,97)
Shinjuku Night.(Mar/23,98)
Skiing in Mt. Jeans Nasu.(Mar/7,98)
Christmas Program in JIS.(Dec/6,97)
753 in Meiji-jingu Shrine.(Nov/11,97)
Halloween Parade in Saigoyama-park.(Oct/10,97)
We love Roller Blade.(Jun/14,97)
Birthday Party for 5 years.(Jun/10,97)