
The Marketplace

The marketplace is always great for photography.





There is plenty of color.





There are no greenhouses in Uzbekistan. The whole country is a greenhouse. You wouldn't believe the prices. Tomatoes are 16 cents per kilogram (7cent per pound) and cucumbers are 40 cents per kilogram (18 cents per pound).



Mulberry Juice


You wouldn't think that anyone would be interested in Coca Cola if they could have a glass of fresh mulberry juice.





This guy is delivering Uzbek bread. It is great with shish kebab and a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.





For 18 cents a Gypsy woman exorcised evil spirits from my camera at the marketplace in Samarkand. Do you think that it helped my pictures?



Gypsy Family


This Gypsy family was happy to smile for the camera.



Gypsy Boy


Each kid wanted his picture taken.



Gypsy Girl


An Uzbek told me that it is easy to tell who are Gypsies. He said they are dirty. I felt sad.





This young donkey does not seem put out by his lot in life. He is delivering produce in the marketplace in Samarkand.



Egg Woman


I found this smiling Russian woman in the market in Tashkent. About ten percent of the population of the country is Russian. Most of the adult Uzbeks can speak Russian, but the kids seem more interested in English. Perhaps half of the population has no memory of the Soviet Era. The eggs were 7 cents per dozen.