「梅郷」 Baigo MTB trails from Ome (13.1km, 240m, ˜1hr)

The dirt road and trail are short but interesting and very quiet.

Category: Road: 10.1km, Dirt Road: 2.5km,  Hike trail: 0.5km

Route:  Ome, Baigo Umegaya-toge side, Baigo Umenoki koen side, Ome




There are 2 more short climbs on the Umegaya-toge side which start a little farther up the road. Instead of turning at the snack bar as in above route cycle up another 200m and turn right onto a dirt road. Stay on the left and pass some houses - pottery is made at one of these. The road splits and  you can climb up and back both trails for about 200m distance each.


Split in road above pottery house

Looking down road from top of climb 2 from above photo

Start of dirt road on mapped route

There is a grassy patch in the middle of most of this road

There are long straight sections where you can see quite far ahead

When you reach the second road barrier as below, take the trail to the left (facing down)

The trail is very good at first

But with some dead branches in the way

The trail splits. Take the upper trail to the right

And cycle down a trough - you should be able to cycle all of this without walking

This is where you join the dirt road near Umenoki-koen

If you cycle up the dirt road and back, you follow this road