「 子の権現」 Nenogongen circuit 1 (50.3km, 925m climb, 2hr15) from Ome

This is one of the more direct routes. There are some other good alternatives including using some of Nenogongen circuit2 roads or sticking on R350 around Haraichiba and/or taking the short steep climb up to TotoHanno CC instead of using Sanno-toge.
The last 300m climb to Nenogongen is very tough but not as steep as the 300m from the top down as per Nenogongen circuit2!

see Amamezasu, Nenogongen for alternative longer route (59km, 1260m climb 2hr45) uploaded from Garmin 705 GPS.

Category: Road: 50.3km, Steep climb

Route: Ome, Futamatao, Nariki, Kosawa-toge, Naguri, Tenmokuzashi-toge, Nenogongen, Minami, Haraichiba, Sanno toge, Hikagebayashi doori, Osoki kaido, Ome



The temple at Nenogongen is a good visit. The corresponding God(s) apparently has (have) powers to heal problems with feet, so some Japanese people visit just to pray for foot health.