Celtic Christian Mailing Lists

The Celtic Christian Mailing List 

The best place to ask questions about Celtic Christianity is on the Celtic Christian Mailing List.
This is the current home of the ancient and venerable (well, relatively) Celtic Christianity mailing list, generally known simply as "Celt."

Celt list is an international, ecumenical, mailing list dedicated to Celtic Christianity in all its aspects: ancient and modern, academic and spiritual. This is a wild and raucous bunch of folk, with a lot of knowledge, a lot of heart, and a lot of Celtic temper -- and sometimes the messages are even on topic! We have found that our greatest treasure is the sense of community which has developed over the years. Therefore, although we make an honest effort to stay topical as much as we can, we are not afraid to stray occasionally into the silly or the purely personal. In fact, once each year we decree a Silly Season dedicated simply to fun and jokes.

Whether you are primarilly interested in our fathers and mothers in the Faith the saints, history, liturgy, spirituality, aspects ancient or modern, we welcome you to drop in on our Celt list clan.

To subscribe, see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CeltList/

The Modern Celtic Worship Mailing List 

Some time ago, I returned to what really interests me in the realms of Celtic Christianity and created a mailing list. This list is very quite, so expect to start a conversation rather than be overwhelmed by information every day. I hope that we will be talking about David Adams, Iona Community and Northumbrian Community worship materials etc. Hopefully people will be encouraged to submit their own materials. 

For more information on joining the list go over to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/moderncelticworship/

Celtic Announcement Mailing List

Please post announcements to the "Modern Celtic Worship Mailing List" mentioned above. Make sure that each message will have an appropriate subject header. e.g.

Subject: [UK : Event .....]
Subject: [USA : Event .....]
Subject: [BOOK]
Subject: [WANTED]

This is not a discussion list, so if you are interested in the subject please reply directly to the contact mentioned in the message. Please write it as if you are submitting an announcement to a newspaper -->
