![]() ![]() ![]() ● 「世界一大きくて、小さいものを発見!」とか、「疑惑で有名なあの人物を逮捕」など、読者のみなさんが「え、何それ」とか「誰のこと?」と思ってクリックしていただければ、大成功であります。 ● 前にお話しした宛先や過激表現と組合せると、さらに効果的でありましょう。「あのフクロウが血まみれの理由とは?」などと書いてあったら、私はためらいなくクリックすると思うのであります♪(^▽^) ● ただし、本編の内容が実はたいした事がなくても、多くの読者のみなさんは見出ししか見ない事もご留意ください。上記のような表現は、場合によっては風聞を流すことにもなりうるかもしれませんね。私も、気をつけます♪ ● いやぽぽでは「潤子ちゃんが宇宙の果てで見たものとは?」等、なるべく実際の本編に則した形で用いるようにしています。また、クリックするかどうかは読者の皆様のご判断でありますよ。いやぽぽは全ページ無料のサイトですが、他の有料サイト等をご訪問の際には、これらの技法の有無に関らず、慎重にご判断くださるようお願い致します♪(^▽^)ノ * The 7th theme of how to enjoy Web sites, is 'Quiz Method.' Site author (including me) devise many things so that you (readers) will click the title and link which are displayed on the page. This is one of such devices. The title or link which were written in quiz style will give you interest in the answer and the detailed page. * For example, 'The largest-smallest thing was found!' or 'That person famous for doubt was arrested.' etc. If readers click after thinking 'Wow. What's that?' or 'Who is that?', the method will succeed. * It will be still more effective if it combines with the destination and shocking expression about which I spoke before. If there is a title such as 'Why THAT OWL became BLOODY?', I'll click it without hesitation, I think. ;-D * However, even if the detailed contents weren't so great in fact, authors should mind that many readers look at only the title. The above expression may generate rumor. I also will be careful. * Such as 'What did Junko look at by the end of the universe?', Iyapopo group use this mathod without exaggerating the actual tale, as much as possible. Moreover, it is the freedom of you (readers) whether you click or not. All the pages of Iyapopo can be perused for nothing. When you visit other charged sites etc., even if there were such techniques, please consider carefully whether you click or not. Of course, please consider, when there aren't such techniques, too. ;-) |