![]() ![]() ![]() ● 試合結果は端的な例で、普通は人気のあるチームの視点で書かれるようですが、視点を変える手法はもっと広い事柄に応用できるのでありますよ。 ● たとえば「30歳の男性会社員がバスに轢かれて死亡した」といった事柄があった場合、「30歳男性が轢死」といえばその年頃の男性に、「会社員が轢死」といえば会社員の方に、「男性がバスに轢かれて死亡」といえばバスに宛てたメタファになりうるのであります。 ● つまり、自分に宛てたメタファの中に相手との相似点もあれば、同じ事柄で応答することが可能なのです。わたしは、このようなやりとりを「ミラーリフレクタ」と呼んで観察させていただいております。ただし、一斉に同じ事柄が扱われていると、つまらないメタファが大ニュースに見える場合がありえますので、気をつけたいものです。 ● こうしたやりとりは、メタファ宛先をたくさん知っているほど楽しめるのでありますよ。みなさんも、ぜひWeb世界を巡って探してみてください♪(^▽^)b * The 8th theme is 'the same matter can be used for another meaning.' For example, if you expressed 'team A won' or 'team B lost' about the result of a game between team A and team B, it means the same thing. But you will notice that the expression becomes quite reverse by the writer's position. * A game result is a direct example, and they usually seem to be written from more popular team's position, but the method of changing the view position can be used about more various matters. * If there were a subject 'The 30-year-old male office worker was run over by the bus, and died,' you can send a metaphor message to those who are 30-year-old and male, by expressing it as 'The 30-years-old male was run over and killed.' And you also can send to those who are office workers, by expressing it as 'The office worker was run over and killed.' Moreover, you can send to a bus, by expressing it as 'The man was run over by the bus and killed.' * So, when there is a point of resemblance with the transmitting person in the metaphor message that you received, you can answer by using the same subject. I call such metaphor conversations 'mirror reflector', and am watching them. However, if the same matter is carried all at once by many sites, a petty metaphor may seem to be top news. We web residents should be careful, I think. * If you know many destination expressions, you can see and enjoy such metaphor conversations. Please try to search them traveling the Web world. ;-) |