三内丸山縄文発信の会 ファイル−第11号

Sannai Maruyama, Jomon Era Information Transmitting Association - File #11


 遺跡北の低湿地から、直径60cm以上と見られる木柱が 発見された。川や海等、水に関連した建物であった可能性があり、 舟つき場ではという見方もされている。

Another wooden pillar dug up at the marsh in the north of Relics Site

A wooden pillar was dug up at the marsh in the north of Sannai Maruyama Relics Site. It is regarded as more than 60 centimeter in diameter. There is a possibility that it's a part of some wooden building related to the water such as the sea or river. Some experts think it's a landing place.

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See Sannai Maruyama, Jomon Era Information Transmitting Association Official Home page! & , NTT Aomori,Jomon Network Home page! , more informations.
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