Creating a larger corpus: Appending additional documents in CONC 1.80
Bill Pellowe,

We can create a larger corpus by adding more documents to our original one.

1. Assuming that you've already created a concordance and index of the Totoro file, you first have to close the concordance and the index. DON'T SAVE them. Why not? Well, there's no reason to do so; additionally, they take up a lot of disk space. DON'T CLOSE THE TEXT FILE. (The text file is the one on top.)

2. From FILE, choose APPEND. This means "add another file to this one"

3. We're going to add the transcript for "When Harry Met Sally" to the "Totoro" one. So, find the "HarrySally" file. Don't choose the "create new section", we don't need it. Click "Open".

4. Now make your concordance again, as you did before.

(The next page of this tutorial shows how you can use CONC 1.80 to find all the occurances of a specific list of words.)

handout from "Using Concordances from Small Corpora: Video Transcripts and Newspapers"
Kitakyushu JALT: May 8th, 1999, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at Seinan Jogakuin
Kagoshima JALT: June 26, 1999, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., at Shigakukan University
Bill Pellowe,