Using Word Lists with CONC 1.80
Bill Pellowe,

We can search a corpus for specific groups of words by using word lists. Your word list must be a "text" file.

1. You start with a text file ready. (From FILE, choose New, and select the text. In our example, we'll use the Totoro transcript and the When Harry Met Sally transcript.

2. From "Options", choose "Include words..."

3. You'll see the "Include Word Options" dialog box (as in the picture below). Click "include words in file".

4. Now it's time to select which word list you want to use. In this example, we're going to use the "reported speech" verbs list. Select the file name, and click "Open". (This picture below is from a Japanese computer, so "open" is written in Japanese.) After you do that, click OK.

5. (Don't forget to click OK, shown in the bottom right of the picture above.)
6. Now make your concordance again, as you did before, from Step 3 in the "Setting Up Conc" page. The only words included in the "node" position will be the ones which were contained in the word list.

(The next page of this tutorial shows you how to create a very large file from a collection of texts without having to append each text separately.)

handout from "Using Concordances from Small Corpora: Video Transcripts and Newspapers"
Kitakyushu JALT: May 8th, 1999, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at Seinan Jogakuin
Kagoshima JALT: June 26, 1999, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., at Shigakukan University
Bill Pellowe,