Internet for International Communication
**** overviewstudentstextbookbrowsersystemcopyright


Internet for International Communication is a content-based Internet training course created by Bill Pellowe for his students in Fukuoka, Japan.


This 1997-98 version of the course was designed for 18 year old Japanese students in their first year of an Internet major. The major stresses Internet use, not web site creation. Instruction for this course is given primarily in English. Students meet for one hour classes five times a week with a native English speaker (Bill Pellowe). In addition to these classes, students also take an English language course with Bill which meets for one hour classes three times a week.


The textbook used in this course in 1997 was "INTAANETTO" ("Internet" in Japanse katakana), a full-color, commercial manual for novices published by X-Media Books, ISBN 4-87283-007-5. This book is written in Japanese. We utilized the textbook occastionally for summary review sessions, as all instruction is provided mainly through English. In the students' English conversation course, the textbook was "First Impact" (coursebook and workbook), published by Longman.


The 1997 course addresses the needs of students using Netscape 3.x for Windows95. The 1998 year students use Netscape Communicator (Netscape 4). See the contents page for links to different versions.


The students use Windows 95. A lot of the work on the 1997 course was, however, done on my Macintosh at home, so Mac users will see a few familiar pictures. Mainly, though, images of Netscape screens show the Windows 95 version.


These pages are copyright (c) Bill Pellowe. If you are an educator wishing to use these materials, you are given permission to do so, but notification by e-mail would be appreciated.

Bill Pellowe
posted April, 1997
revised April, 1998