
Gerald Muirhead
Education and Experience;
Gerald Muirhead was born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland where he completed his study of playing
the Great Highland Bagpipe in Edinburgh Castle with Pipe-Major Angus MacDonald M.B.E. Following his training he played with the famous Royal Scots Draogoon Guards Pipeband recording and releasing the song "Amazing Grace" which sold millions of copyies worldwide. In 1985 he played solo for The United Nations Conference in Scotland.
Gerald played the bagpipe at many music festivals in Britainand Europe. He was filmed by the B.B.C. playing on top of the ramparts of Edinburgh Castle during the International Festival, he then had
the honour of performing for her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II in London.
Since coming to Japan in 1989 Gerald has been invited to perform at many corporate and private events including British and European cultural fairs and promotions all over Japan and at the British Embassy in Tokyo. He also has had the opportunity to play for the Japanese Royal Family attending an International Dinner party in Ginza, Tokyo.
In 1992 Gerald began entering International Bagpipe Contests and since that time he has been awarded top prizes for best Piper in Japan. What distinguishes Gerald from the 'run-of-the-mill' players
is his surpassing ability to create something musically stimulating from his finely tuned Bagpipe.
His reperoire consists of traditional and modern tunes from Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. He also plays popular Japanese songs to delight and entertain the Japanese audience. Gerald has played
Bagpipes in several Pipe-Bands and became Senior Pipe/Pipe Major in one of these bands. He also has played with a Folk Group, Jazz musicians and a classical musician.
Gerald is now a member of the St. Andrew's Society and of the Celtic Festival Music Committee of Japan, and lives with his Japanese wife in Tokyo. He has a proper visa for working and performing inJapan and he has more than twenty-five years experience and the skill to give a professional Bagpipe show every-time, that's why Production Companies and Event Planners rely on Gerald and trust to give him an excellent performance.
Gerald Muirhead is available to play at many kinds of events wearing either a casual style Scottish traditional outfit or his elaborate 'Full Highland Dress' which is 'tailor-made' and is one of the finest anywhere in the world, while playing his 'silver and ivory' Bagpipes. He is pleased to give an explanation of his costume and this ancient traditional musical instrument in Japanese if required.
Contact Address:
Gerald Muirhead,
4-25-8-105 Minami-cho,
Kichijoji Musashino-shi,
Tokyo 180