
Hardwood is a group of four foreign musicians living in Nagano. There
are two Canadians, one British person and the other person has dual citzenship
between Canada and the United Kingdom. Hardwood plays traditional Celtic
music of Atlantic Canada, the folk music originally from the British Isles
and Britanny, France. Hardwood perform songs in both English and French.
One member also sings in Gaelic.
Hardwood will representing the Canadian Athletic team during the Nagano Winter
Olympics next year and will be performing at Canada House and possibly the
NAOC Olympic Festival of Culture and Art. Hardwood will also be appearing at the
NHK broadcast 'Nagata-no-Mori' Conservation Center near Ina.
[Taken from the Nagano Newsletter, Vol. 9, Number 1].
Hardword Members:
Joel Blouin: (Vocals, Accordian, Accorde a pied)
Ned Kennedy: (Musical Director,Songwriter, Fiddle, Bodhran)
Margo Harrington: (Lead vocals, Northumbrian smallpipes, Tin whistle)
Jeff Hamacher: (Guitar, Cello, Vocals)
For more information, please contact Nedd at,
Mr. Nedd Kennedy
B201 Chuo,
Higashi Yoko Machi, 371
Nagano 382
Tel/Fax: (026)248-8538