


We wanted to get an early start crossing the Kazak border as we expected the crossing to take a while. But since we stayed up almost all night partying in Novosibirsk, we were forced to bush camp in a field (with the bugs of course) further from the border than we planned. We got an early start the next morning only to find that the border was not as clearly marked as we hoped and were promptly lost in a nearby town. A family passing by stopped to see what a couple of confused foreigners on motorcycles were doing. Figuring out what we were up to, they lead us to the right road in their car. We later met up with them again as we were putting on our rain wear. An older lady in the back seat got out and presented Chris with a Russian Orthodox good luck charm. Of course, being Protestant Chris has no idea who the saint portrayed is...

Finally reaching the border, things went smoother than we expected. The guards let us go to the front of the line of cars and we were out of Russia in just about 15 minutes. Procedures on the Kazak side also sent smoother than expected, keeping us for only about an hour. We also found out that we had five days to register our visas, rather than the three we were originally told. So we decided to head straight for Almaty, 2000 km away. Supposedly, there is no registration office in the border city of Semipalatinsk. Odds are the immigration officer at the border just didn't know.

With no real business in Semipalatinsk, we decided to keep riding. We took a late lunch at a roadside motel just outside of the city, a couple hundred meters before the police checkpoint that marks the end of
the city and the beginning of the seemingly endless steppe. The price for a room and bath was too cheap to pass over. Of course, we still attracted the attention of the police. They came into the motel cafe to interrogate us, but couldn't find anything to haul us in for. So we were able to enjoy our "banya" sauna and the cool desert evening air.

The most unpleasant part of our first day in Kazakhstan actually came the next morning. The motel staff woke us up an hour before dawn so we could join their party and make us drink vodka. Of course we made our escape back to our room after an hour or so. So much for an early start...

Our second attempt at sleep refreshed us slightly and we rode off into the steppe. The scenery was similar to the plains of Mongolia, but the ground was quite a bit rougher. Along the road, the pavement was poor in some places, but we still made a decent pace. The changing weather, though, kept us busy. We would have scorching heat and pouring rain in the same day. About the only eventful moment in the 2,000 kilometers to Almaty was Chris getting stopped for speeding. He was going 72 km/h in a 50 km/h zone. There is no way that that straight line in the middle of nowhere could be a 50 km/h zone. About 20 minutes of broken Russian explaining we have no money to pay the fine and they finally let us go. This seems a common scam -- some Australians were caught in the same type of speed trap too.

A view of the Alatau mountains of Kyrgyzstan greeted us from the other side of Lake Balkhash us as we approached the capital of Kazakhstan three days from Semipalatinsk. Almaty would be our home for the next three days as we got our Kazakh visas registered and apply for visas to Uzbekistan. As it was cheaper than a hotel, we rented an apartment for three nights. Unfortunately we had to carry hot water to the bathroom in pots because the hot water was off. Almaty turned out to actually be a fairly large modern city. It was laid out in a grid pattern, had decent restaurants, and the shops were full of imported goods. Almaty even has a Citibank branch!

Visa registration was a bit of a pain. Nobody answered the door at the agency that issued our visa invitations. We ended up trying to do the registration ourselves... and being turned down. The company issuing the invitation is required to do it for us. At least the registration office was kind enough to call the agency for us so we could get our visas registered. We made it to the agency with no time to spare--it was already the fifth day since we entered Kazakhstan. In the end, everything went OK and we avoided the fines that would incur if we don't register. Our passports were in the registration office until the next day, so we walked across Almaty to see the sites and do some shopping (and wore ourselves out in the process).

An early start the next day saw us at the Uzbekistan embassy for visas. The visas were issued on the spot for $10 for Japanese and $100 for Americans. With Uzbek visas in hand, we headed off the following morning to the highlight of the silk road.

 中央公園のロシア系教会 野宿できそうな場所を探す





アルマティまでの2000キロで一番「思い出ある」出来事はねずみ取りでクリスが捕まったこと。 50 km/h区間で72 km/h走っていた。どう見ても50 km/h区間じゃなかったが警官は堂々と取り締まりをしていた。要するに警官の小遣い稼ぎのために、全ての通行者が違反できるように設定してあるのだ。なんとかクリスの約20分の片言ロシア語の説明で罰金を払うお金がない事を納得してもらえた。(本当かな?)。しかしこうしたあからさまな取り締まりはカザフスタンでよくあるようだ。同じ時期オーストラリアのライダーも同じような取り締まりで捕まったらしい。




 中央公園の戦士像 どこの国でも公園では老人が憩う Barfはカザフの洗剤の商品名 英語で直訳すると「げろ」 遠くに高山を臨むシルクロードを行く

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