F2 Chris & Daisuke around the world

<NorthAmerica TOP>
US Northwest and California/米国北西部とカリフォルニア


 Traveler 旅人よ、何を想う・・・ California Sunset

My original plan after returning to my fathers house in Seattle in June was to do some maintenance on the motorcycle and then start heading south. But I realized that I had never seen most of the northwest USA. So, I put California on hold for a while and headed out toward eastern Washington via Mt. Rainier. It was no surprise to see snow in Alaska, but I didnt realize there would be as much snow on Mt. Rainier as there was.

While the mountains were snow covered, the flatlands were a completely different story. Eastern Washington was in the midst of a record-breaking heatwave. The scenery around me consisted solely of farms, so I just kept riding hard to get out of the region as fast as possible. My original plan was to go farther into eastern Washington, but it was slightly cooler to ride along the giant Columbia River. That took me into Oregon.

My map showed me the closest big mountains were around Hells Canyon in the Oregon/Idaho border. With <hellc in its name, I didnt expect the place to be a whole lot cooler, but the mountains on the way were a bit more bearable. I was surprised to find so many people in the Hells Canyon area, as there were not any big cities nearby. It seems that a lot of people who think сcamping means living in an air-conditioned trailer or RV spend their summer there.

Most people think of potatoes when you say Idaho, but I didnt encounter many potato farms. I did manage to hit four hot springs there, though. From Idaho I crossed into Montana, where I promptly got hailed on. I had almost perfect weather in the far north of Alaska, but Montana was at times cold and stormy!

I headed north into Canada again from Montana and went through Banff National Park (and visited the hot spring there). Then I went south again to cross over hot east Washington to get back to Seattle for Independence Day. July and August in California didnt bring much to talk about. I wend down through Oregon on the cool coast highway to get to California. A total of about three weeks were spent in Sacramento, were my mother lives. I also made visits to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego.

My return ticket to Japan was from Seattle, so I again had to make the trip north. On the way, I paid a visit to Crater Lake in Oregon (which remarkably resembles Mashu-ko lake in Japan. I also visited my 11th and final hot spring in North America. In Seattle I did my final maintenance and washing before storing the bike. It turned out to be easier to just leave the bike in Seattle rather than going through the hassle of getting it into Japan. I wont be using it much. So if anyone is going to be in the Pacific Northwest, Ill rent it to you at a very reasonable cost!

 Mr. Rainier Columbia River Hot Spring Glacier National Park

6月にアラスカからシアトルの父の家に戻ったらバイクの整備をしてすぐ南下しようと思っていたけれど、考えてみると米国北西部にはまだ見た事のない所が多いと気付きました。それでカリフォルニア行きを後回しにして、シアトルから一時間のところにあるMt. Rainier という山を経由して、ワシントン州東部に向かいました。アラスカで雪を見ることには全然驚かなかったけれど、Mt. Rainier 周辺に残雪があったのは意外でした。


灼熱から逃げるために最寄りの山を地図で探して、オレゴンとアイダホの州境にあるHells Canyonを目指す事にしました。地名に「地獄」がつく所が涼しいはずはないけれど、途中の山は過ごしやすかったです。近くに大きな町はどこもないのにかなり人がいました。アメリカ特有のキャンピングカーバカンスを楽しんでいる人が殆どでした。



日本への帰りの航空券はシアトルからとなっていたので、8月中旬再びワシントン州に向かいました。オレゴンのCrater Lake(日本の摩周湖にそっくりの湖)を見てから、北米11個目の温泉に入りました。シアトルに着いたらバイクを保管するため、最後の整備と洗車をしておきました。結局日本に持って帰るよりも、シアトルで保管した方がやりやすかった。あまり使う機会がないので、もしアメリカ西北部をツーリングする予定の方がいたら連絡して下さい。安くレンタルします!

Running into a tree! Hearst Castle San Francisco Crater Lake (摩周湖?)
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