Kinjo Gakuin

Missionaries: Sanford and Emiko Taborn, Bill Geppert, and Patricia Thornton

KINJO GAKUIN in Nagoya, is a complex of Kindergarten, Junior High School, High School, Junior College and Senior College. This is the first female instituion of higher education in Japan. It was founded by Southern Presbyterian Missionaries in 1889. They presently have a total enrollment of about 6,000 girls.They are in the process of developing an advanced degree program. The graduate school will open as soon as the program is approved by the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Watanabe


Sanford Taborn and Patrisha Thornton with Speech Contest Winners
(Unfortunately we do not yet have a picture showing Bill Geppert.)

Patricia Thornton has been at Kinjo University since 1987. Sanford Taborn has been in education mission in Japan since 1972. He was originally located at the Okinawa Christian Junior College. He has been teaching at Kinjo and working in their Christian Ministries since 1984.

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