Nagoya, Japan
Missionaries: Frank & Mary Kay Sapp
Frank & Mary Kay
Frank and Mary Kay Sapp (retired May 1, 2002) arrived in Japan shortly before Christmas in 1971. They were appointed by the Presbyterian Church (US) to work in partnership with the Reformed Church of Japan, a Presbyterian denomination originally established by the Southern Presbyterian Mission.
Mary Kay at first was busy with raising a family, but as soon as it was possible to do so she began to nurture her many contacts in the Japanese and International Community and found a niche for mission to groups who were not being reached by the regular mission community.
Nagoya is an international city with many women who are college educated and international minded. More and more of our friends travel widely and have niches in their own circles of Japanese society where their influence is felt. In order to reach into these places in society, Mary Kay used her contacts to develop an interest in Studying the Bible in English among those with good Conversational English skills. Since she was pastoring the English Language "Nagoya Union Church" her ability to be heard by these women was enhanced.

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