JFK'S Theological Sushi
Bible Study Resources
The Bible Gateway
Allows you to search several versions of the Bible on line in several languages. You can search topically or by individual words or phrases.
The Biblical Studies Foundation
"Dedicated to putting quality biblical research
and study materials on-line"
The On-line Bible Homepage
The Online Bible is one of the best Bible software programs available. You can download it and other software here.
The Pastor's Study
Allows you to search several versions of the Bible, Topical Bibles, Bible encyclopedias and other study aids
- Resources for Biblical Studies
Provides many scholarly resources for studying the scripture with a focus on the early Christians' writings and the historical, sociological background of those writings
Christian Indice on the World Wide Web
One of the largest collections of links, well organized
by size, type, even region. Also has list of over 70 newsgroups.
Just as it says. Full of great sites.
A very comprehensive index of links divided into 16 categories
Well organized list of links. Divided by category.
Great site full of links to Christian music and book sites.
This site has a number of resources for Christians who have their own page or site on the web. They have just added a search engine that those with Christian content on their pages can submit their pages to.
The Omnilist of Christian Links:
Great place to surf. Lots of links and indice.
Christian Resources
Great site which gives biblical answers to common questions. Well organized. Even has section for answers for kids.
Hundreds of downloadable Christian classics from the Church Fathers
up to more modern authors
Reviews of Christian Software. News. Music. Latest happenings on the Christian Net.
The online version of Christianity Today. Good source for Christian news and current affairs.
If you can't find it here, you probably can't find it!
Lots of free goodies: Bible Software, Midis, clip art,etc.
Internet Theological Resources
Extensive guide to many theological works available on the internet
Editor's page. Book Reviews. Questions and Answers
Large directory of resources. If you know the name of the site or if you have a topic you want to explore, give it a ride!
Or try The Sitesearcher which allows you to search many
Christian databases
Some Personal Favorites
The man who started Christian Rock because "why should the devil have all the good music"
- The Wailing Wall
Pay a visit to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Real time shots of the Wailing Wall
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