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Home > Free and other Hot Springs of Japan > Aidomari Onsen
Aidomari Onsen

Aidomari Onsen in HokkaidoAidomari onsen is a free and kind of open air hot spring.
There are two wooden baths on in a big plastic tent separated into men's and womans baths. One "wall" of the men's bath is missing which makes this bath open, while only a half "wall" of the womans bath is open, which makes this bath more covered. The water is clear and hot, but it is possible to enjoy it even in the summer.
The men usually undress outside the tent, and then get in the bath, but it is possible to undress inside the tent also and put one's clothes on shelves.

Map of HokkaidoAidomari onsen is located on the southern coast line of the Shiretoko peninsula. From Rausu town take the local road 87 towards the end of Shiretoko peninsula. Just before the end of the road, you will see people getting out of their clothes and getting into 2 little pools in the sea. This is Seseki onsen. Continue a little further until you see a blue tent on the beach, and probably a lot of guys taking their clothes off. This is Aidomari onsen.

Aidomari onsen is located pretty close to Seseki onsen. I had just left Seseki onsen and gone to the end of the road to see what was there before I got into Aidomari onsen on my way back. As I got off my Harley I could see a lot of guys standing on the beach undressing. Among them were my 3 friends from Seseki onsen. They also got surprised when they saw me. Obviously we had the same thing in mind: hot springs.

The water in Aidomari onsen was pretty hot, just as it had been in Seseki onsen. We all got in and enjoyed it for a while. While we were there one little kid was diving in the hot spring. He seemed to have a really good time even though the hot spring was not that big or deep.

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