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Laughing is the best medicine.

Hell, we don’t need yet another collection of jokes on the medical profession. The Lord knows many of them Doctors do work hard and arduously for their patients. There is, however, a peculiar minority whose actions give rise to well-deserved humor and criticism from the general public.

It walks like a D., quacks like a D. but it isn’t a Doctor.

While poking fun at doctors usually leaves me coughing (ahem!), I laughed myself sore with this musical broadside fired pointedly at certain whitecoats.  Luckily I have not fallen into the hands of these peculiar ones, but I know people who did, and they never laugh anymore. If you can stand harsh reality, read about the crimes of this ilk of doctors first and then come back for the laugh. You may need it to relax.

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Meat Street
a musical comedy

The Doctor is in!

Gas-B-Gone Commercial


All information on this page is based on my personal experience and opinion.
I am not affiliated with the medical profession or any drug company.

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 Revised 1997-11-03 Why on earth this date format ?
 © 1996 and later by Bernd Nurnberger . All rights reserved.