Works for me! And for you?

 On health and prevention from a German in Japan who likes America

 What? New!  Japan  Healthy...  Clean  Techie

You knew it!  An ounce of prevention is indeed worth a pound of cure. (check it out)

Friends,  I do not diagnose, I do not sell you anything. I do share my experience. Only you can make the decisions for your life. Feel free to browse and gain from what you find. It is all true for me. You decide what is true for you.



Internet addiction in the news again 1997. (here the 1996 story)


The less bright members of a profession make the whole field prone to public exposure and jokes.  The word ‘quack’ originally referred to doctors.


MSM, common as salt, but often missing in our food. [with audio lecture]


Can Jogging be a health hazard? I didn't think so, until...

HPS Helping People Survive Asia's #1 New Age Alternative Health Care Internet address [Due to its location in Thailand, it may load slowly at times. Yet highly recommended.]

Prevent disease, help yourself and be happier. [Imagine my surprise when I realized Western medicine has a prevention deficiency.]

UPDATED What could be wrong with diet fads and fast-foods?

Dieting does not work. I went on dieting binges and lost ounces, but not pounds. They all came back.  These days, I get Slender Now! I am in it for the long run (But I am too shy to post my own figures).


A General Nutrition Guide and a source for food supplements. Note down ID number 335882. You may need it later, for wholesale prices.


This one I'll always have around: Colloidal silver works great for me and my family.


What they don’t teach about oxygen and ozone.


Is Internet addictive? I believe you will agree.



The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity. Asian wisdom beats Medicare, hands down.


You got a human body - but no warranty. How about an Owner's Manual?

What causes Cancer?. According to this research, it takes two specific factors to be present at the same time.Solvent and Parasites.

Deadline Planet Earth. How can we stop poisoning the planet? Every bit helps: Reduce your use of washing powder. Do something and save.


All information on this page reflects my personal experience and opinion, based on publicly available sources of information.  Some of the links point to outside material I do not control. Use as is.

It is undisputed scientific fact that clean air, water and food with sufficient minerals, vitamins etc. are essential to prevent illness and unwanted body conditions. What is usually sold as food on the market, however,  may not keep the body nourished in the long run. Valuable nutrients are lost by picking produce before it is ripe, by long storage and by food processing, especially with heat and chemicals.

Significant improvement is frequently observed when food supplements are used (minerals, vitamins, etc.) in connection with mild exercise. Minerals and vitamins work for many people. However, everybody is different. If one person raves about his success in improving a body condition, this does not mean his regimen will work for you. If you feel your body needs treatment, seek competent medical advice.
I am not affiliated with the medical profession or any drug company.



 Revised 1997-11-03 Why on earth this date format ?
 © 1996 and later by
Bernd Nurnberger . All rights reserved.