


The road to Bukhara was pretty uneventful. Again, there was almost no gas to be found. But we were able to fill up with 95 octane in Samarkand, so it was no problem. Entering the Bukhara, we had no idea where to find the center of the old city. But the height of the Kalyan Minaret made it a good landmark. As we pulled up in front of the minaret to check our map, we were confronted with a group of souvenir-selling girls. They made us a good offer on a place to stay, so we didn't have to look for a hotel. Our lodging was the home of one of a pair of souvenir girls and their parents. It was conveniently located just a few minutes walk from some of the most important monuments of Bukhara and we could park in their courtyard.

Bukhara is one of the most ancient cities in Uzbekistan, and a former commercial center of the silk road. The city is a virtual museum. It holds the 46-meter tall Kalyan Minaret, the Ark fortress, the four-turret Char-Minorand, and a myriad of other historical mosques and madrassahs. And most of those are within walking distance of each other. At night, the Kalyan Minaret presents a mystical sight backed by a star-filled sky.

Our souvenir hawker hosts were a constant delight, and sometimes a bit of a nuisance. The girls showed us around a bit and told us about some Uzbek customs. However, they were constantly trying to sell us something. And we learned to our horror, that if you buy one small thing from one, they all will expect you to buy something. "You bought from her, why you no buy from me?" they would say until it almost drove you mad. Every one--even the six-year-olds--was an entrepreneur, and adamant about driving up business.

We probably could have spent more than just two days wandering through the ancient city, but our Kazakhstan visas were running short. After securing fuel on the black market with some help from the father of the family we stayed with, we headed back to
Samarkand and then Tashkent.

One think we noticed on our travels in Uzbekistan was that we were never able to find the notorious cops demanding a kickback for fine for doing nothing wrong. It looks like things are a lot better for travelers now.

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