
Planet School was established on April 10, 1990 as an alternative school.


It is a place where students plan, decide, and pursuit what they want to do without following set curriculums. By doing so, they become independent and self-disciplined.


○教育目標  ○年間行事  ○一週間の予定  ○スタッフ  ○ご案内

■名称  フリースクールわく星学校

■住所  〒606-0026 京都市左京区岩倉長谷町745    》地図を見る

     (郵便物は‥〒606-8267 京都市左京区北白川西町85-3 山下敬子 まで)

■電話  075-702-7338 もしくは、事務局:075-722-4579

■FAX  075-722-4579

■E-mail kosa@gol.com

■教育目標 Educational Goals

 Meet Valuable Self
 Accept different values to value each other's existence.

 Aim for Self Realization
 Encourage each person's possibilities; develop mind and strength to make decision himself/herself.

 Develop Good Human Relationships
 Value trusts in relationship between human beings and grow in a group full of peaceful love.

 Learn Abundantly
 Learning is fun, not be restricted by notion of "schooling".



 4月   新学年開始、お花見

 5月   田植え、鶏を飼い始めた

 6月   サイクリング(石川、鳥越村)、田んぼ除草

 7月   藍染め、夏合宿(熊本、水俣市)

 8月   京都市内における野生メダカの生態調査

 9月   芸術祭にてウクレレを合奏

10月   運動会、ハロウィン合宿

11月   文化祭(発表会、コンサート)

12月   クリスマスチキンに挑戦

 1月   新年会、おもちつき、

 2月   雪合宿(滋賀、朽木村)、ガラス細工に挑戦

 3月   春合宿(四国、お遍路さん)


■1週間の予定の例 Weekly Schedule

Mon. newspaper making, hiking once a month

Tue. Basic studies, farming, watching a movie once a month, etc.

水:工作、 科学あそび
Wed. Crafts, Learn science in play

Thu. Sports (at Kyoto Sports Center for People with Disabilities),story telling

Fri. Cooking class, play in nature, etc.

*Children's choices and responsibilities of what to learn, from whom to learn, and how to learn are respected. There is no one-way evaluation by adult, such as testing.


■スタッフ Staff Members

名前    年令  担当
山下敬子  69  全般、生活科
YAMASHITA, Keiko (69) Over All, Living Studies

小坂勝弥  53  一般教養、身体運動
KOSAKA, Katsuya (53) General education, Physical Activities

湯本悠樹  34  自然あそび
YUMOTO, Yuki (34) Outdoor Activities

山口アツシ 63  工作、陶芸
YAMAGUCHI, Atsushi (63) Arts and Crafts

矢ケ崎響  47  科学あそび
YAGASAKI, Hibiki (47) Natural Studies

千葉広喜  34  料理、スポーツ
CHIBA, Hiroki (34) Cooking, Sports

川道美枝子 74  野生生物、自然観察
KAWAMICHI, Mieko(74) Nature stroll and Wildlife ecology

村上幹夫  69  岩倉地域の自然
MURAKAMI, Mikio (69) Nature observation in Iwakura area

*Depending on fields, experts are called in whenever necessary.


 Information (visits and consultation)

見学日   毎月10日(10日が休日の場合は変更あり)です。
Visitation Day: Every 10th of the month(change may occur if the 10th is a holiday)

教育相談:  随時(予約制)
Education Consultation: By appointment

*お問い合わせ、お申し込みは、 電話:075-722-4579、 FAX:同左
 E-mail:kosa@gol.com までどうぞ。
*Please contact tel/fax (075) 722-4579 for questions or appointments


■Tuitions and Fees

Tuitions: Entrance fee --- 50,000 yen (after 1 month)

Monthly tuition --- 42,000 yen/month
*including Teaching material fee and Insurance (A.I.U. accident insurance)

If you want to continue to attend after one month of first school day,please join the organization.

If there is any special cercumstances, we would like to discuss it.
