Amsterdam was the first place I ever landed in Europe back in ’94. It immediately charmed me with its quaint crooked buildings, its comfortably human scale & that heady air of freedom I call the “Amstertude”. I’ve been in love with the place ever since.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Reguliersgracht from Kerkstraat, 1998 Leidsekruisstraat & Lijnbaansgracht, 1998 Reguliersgracht 57-63, 2001

(same houses as first picture)

Tweede Weteringdwarsstraat
& Spiegelgracht, 2001
’t Papeneiland, one of Amsterdam’s traditional “brown cafés”.

Brouwersgracht & Prinsengracht, 2002

In such a place, everyone makes
an effort to beautify their home or shop.

Keizersgracht 1, 2002