Living in a sad place like Tokyo — destroyed by fire-bombing in the war & haphazardly replaced rather than restored — really heightens my appreciation of these beautiful old places that still survive.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
der Lindenhof, Zurich, 2004 Nydeggstalden 32-30, Bern, 2004 Burgtreppe, Bern, 2004
Some wag stuck a butt in this knockabout character’s mouth. Suits him perfectly tho, doesn’t it?

Munstergasse 62, Bern, 2004

Sunny terraces just opening
for lunch & cold beer.

Rodos, Greece, 2005

Casa Loma (“Hill House”) just looks old. This fanciful castle was built by a rich financier in the early 1900s just to flaunt his wealth.

Toronto, Canada, 2005