Organized hierarchical religion essentially interposes interpreter/dictator priests between ourselves & whatever we can find to believe in. It also breeds bigotry by dividing people into “us” (the chosen) & “them” (the heathen infidel). Yet who can deny that religion has historically produced much of the world’s finest & most spectacular architecture?
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Shinseiji: graceful traditional architecture. (But try not to notice the strategically located spotlight & speaker.)

Kōenji, Tokyo, 2007

And this charming pathway leads to...?
A tea ceremony room? A meditation hall?
A tool shed, actually. (Shinseiji again)

Kōenji, Tokyo, 2007

Bamboo & twine: simple & harmonious.
Senjuin, an otherwise drab little temple.

Negishi, Tokyo, 2007

Mont St Michel, a tranquil monastery that also served as a local refuge & fortress in times of trouble.

Normandie, France, 2005

Ayasofya (Hagia Sofia): for nearly 1,000 years the largest cathedral in the world.

Istanbul, 2007

Sultanahmet Camii (Sultan Ahmed Mosque), known also as the Blue Mosque for its blue interior tiles.

Istanbul, 2007