The back side of it says;
When the punk movement of 1977 is at its last noises, a provincial
trio issues its first album, a sort of adolescent manifest at its origin.
The originality and the verve of these pop - songs with existentialist
tendency don't leave many parts of the world indifferent. When the trend
is to destroy uber alles, these three musicians united under the medicinal
name of Cure, inject Camus and Shelley of their stylistic compositions.
All the ingredients of the rich and insatiable career of The Cure are
contained inside this first work, particularly the melodic sensibility of
its leader Robert Smith.
Evolver of a minimalist concept where the estethic research is made
through sobriety, and through the harmonic entanglements of the latest
albums, he didn't stop etching melopoeias carved following his moods and
his nightmares.
Behind the endless Cure universe, he has the dreams and the tenacity of
an artist to his ideals, and his unalterable thirst to create a musical
style suitable to his emotions. Cure is - at the same time - virus and
medicine for the therapy of Robert Smith.
(translated by Carlo Simula)
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